the thread about nothing...

Slow and bouncy 

i'm referring to kickball
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Going to the Old Country Buffet for lunch... I feel like the food isn't even all that but everyone is just overwhelmed with all the variety.
that fried chicken though, wish they didn't close ours down where I'm at for some bad tasting sushi buffet 
Well at least he knows where he stands. Nothing sucks more that uncertainty when it comes to the friend zone
Stay that way. It's seriously not worth it.

Seriously man...I mean I've felt way better the past couple of days than I've felt in a while. 

Because when I smoke one turns into 2, then 3, then 4, and I'm facing so that's not healthy at all.

I smoked cigarettes for 5 years and quit cold turkey one December. It was going to be my New Years resolution but I said **** it and started right away. I've had some here and there but once that urge is gone it's GONE.

There may be one time a year where I'm like "damn man I need a pack of cigarettes" and would cop, have 3/4 and be done with it and toss em.

idk what my thought process was 7 years ago

250 opened, 550 sealed :smh:

I think it was 100 when it first came out
Lmao this video reminds me of all those old thumb movies that used to be around like Blair thumb, thumb wars and stuff. Anyone else remember those?
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