the thread about nothing...

oh and a car isn't a necessity. will you feel lame as hell without one? yes. will it be kind of hard sometimes? yes. But stick through it, save up and you will prosper. So while it was hard as hell for me in HS and I wanted to give in and get the cheapest car that I knew I couldn't keep up, I stuck through it and will be getting my first car--brand new Audi at 21. I know that route isn't for everyone, but it is still possible.

slight humble brag

Try living in a rural area without one and get back to me.

The majority of America isn't densely populated metropolitan areas. Cars are an absolute necessity that millions of people depend on every day. They are the tool which allows people to make it to work, get their kids to and from school and put food on their family's table.


Try living in a rural area without one and get back to me.

The majority of America isn't densely populated metropolitan areas. Cars are an absolute necessity that millions of people depend on every day. They are the tool which allows people to make it to work, get their kids to and from school and put food on their family's table.

I live in Texas so does that count? The bus system only works in the inner city, and there is no subway or taxis. The guy asking for car advice is 18/19, he ain't taking no kids to school >D But I do understand your point
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