the thread about nothing...

Nah, you can't lump all southern states into one conglomerate like that...
Too many differences in culture, like NO is different than ATL, SC different than TN, TN is right next to us and its a whole different culture. 

VA and NC got more in common than NC and SC imo. 

MS feels different than Fla. Then you have Texas which has a different feel. 
I ain't eem gon' front a chick from down south with a southern accent 
. Might be regular to some, but I don't get that here. Especially if she got that cake. 
Too many differences in culture, like NO is different than ATL, SC different than TN, TN is right next to us and its a whole different culture. 

VA and NC got more in common than NC and SC imo. 

MS feels different than Fla. Then you have Texas which has a different feel. 
Just like the Northeast, NYC/PHI/Bos cats are similar in ways but also different. Hell, the 5 boroughs have  their differences alone. 
No ratchets though. If you are going to be with me, you must be able to form coherent sentences 

That Kanye comparison pic 
Just watched the 60 minutes doc... teared up when they talked about Mike...

Deep man.
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