the thread about nothing...

them smokers gonna be out there in them liberty tax costumes getting it!!! 
. Couldn't pay me enough to do that.
I have Adblock Plus installed on Firefox, but I still have ads all over my screen :smh: . What gives?
I asked my girl how she's doing today, and she said "sore, a monster was beating on my uterus last night."

Idk if it's that time of the month or if she's cheating on me. :frown:
My friend offered me his South Beach 8's for $550 worn once. I want to cop but $550 is a lot.
Especially for a worn pair. I fail to see the logic still, but that's me.

@JJ Watt  it's cool. I'm not one of those guys to get all up in arms when people talk about a movie I haven't seen yet, unless I really want to see it 
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