the thread about nothing...

moet or the dom p for an anniverssary gift?
you eating this???
lulz no. anniversary gift suggestion.
Favorite TANers

@RIP sleazyy
@JJ Watt

Least fav


The rest if you ain't mentioned you don't matter.

*crip walks in da red Nike sandals*
On a related note:
What are some animals that you would not want to be anywhere near?
Lion is def. up there.
Snakes, cheetah, gorilla, and chimpazee.
After reading those stories about chimps ripping people's testicles, faces, etc off, I'm good.
I have woods near my house where I walk my dog so bears and deer freak me out.
That's unfortunate. How close have you gotten to a bear?

Have you ever tried to ride a deer?

Back when I was in elementary. Some family a couple houses horizontal from my house unknowingly let their pitbull out. The dog ripped the weighted leash from where ever it was hooked to. I'm walking home from school and I'm literally two houses away from stepping on my lawn when until I see a pit walk up in front of me. The dog was like "Oh, you tryna go home and ....? Naw b, lemme get you for a minute."

I start walking the other way and it started to follow me and snarled at me.

I got the bright idea to take off my shoe and hit the dog in the head so it would become dizzy so I could run away.

That didn't work, so it chased me for a bit until I tried to hit it again.

This time the dog bit my shoe and started to whip it's head around with my shoe in its mouth like sharks do when they get meat.

At this point, I'm usain bolting to my house from the opposite direction that I came.

In which, I went around the block to get to my house.

Lastly, I never got my shoe back.
First ticket ever.

$200, Failure to stop when exiting private property.

I got pulled over RIGHT outside my job for some **** I do everyday :smh:
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