the thread about nothing...

i wonder what that man does to be able to drink all the time , and always be going out to eat 
Hey Ive always wondered what do you do for a living?

You're always getting the newest releases lol

he obviously sells drugs...
grizz push more snow than a polar bear, 

when he get that weight he bags it up hibernates like he don't care....


i'm not rapper
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Is it bad that I want to choke the **** outta my roommate?

Right there with you man
You living on campus still :nerd:

Nope, got a really nice apartment within walking distance to my classes.

I rarely see one of my roommates but the kid is honestly disgusting hygiene wise and just weird in general

Anyways, one of my roommates is actually watching Top Gun in the living room right now :lol:
:lol: :lol: how do you know these roommates?
Well... I know them cause ugh... you know... they're my roommates? >D

:lol: Just playin, 2 of the guys are my best friends here at school and the other one is a student who lived here last year. The place is really big though and like I said I don't see much of the random roommate so I can't really complain.
  • franc  buy me a pizza famb..
  • srs
if you lived in cen*cal, i would invite you for some pizza. we would then hit up the mall and pick up some j's

Since u never come thru with pics, I will
enjoy bro.
Got some red sandals

red octobers. pics
You've done Black Friday for the past 5 years. What more do you really need to buy/have that you didn't get? :lol:
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