the thread about nothing...

Got into my first car accident today, and it sucked. :smh: I felt helpless not knowing what to do. I'm just glad the other driver ended up being cool and not being a jerk about it. Definitely opened my eyes up to being more responsible behind the wheel.
Why do people ask for more onfo of pics of a girl? To stalk her or just to fap to her pics? :nerd:
cuz its too cooooold for you here and nowww

so let me hooooooold both your handssss

in da holes in my sweaterrr

Why do people ask for more onfo of pics of a girl? To stalk her or just to fap to her pics? :nerd:

stalking purposes buzzin
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Today was quite productive.

Paid back some money I owed, bought a mix for my xbox, and renewed my netflix. Currently watching Orange is The New Black, that girl that had the big old biddies :wow: :smokin

Might go cop some taco bell later. 8)
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I could have suggested that as well. It's a very solid choice... Enjoy
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