the thread about nothing...

I weighed 110 last time I got my physical. I feel like I've gained 5 - 10 pounds in the last two weeks, eating every two hours and protein shakes has me like :x
Guess what my roommate is going out as?

finished work :smokin

have to be there at 8h00 in the morning tomorrow for the release :x
I weighed 110 last time I got my physical. I feel like I've gained 5 - 10 pounds in the last two weeks, eating every two hours and protein shakes has me like :x
How tall is you tho :nerd:
5'7 lol
My height too :nthat:
But in like 138 pounds :frown:
Dude, two more pounds and you're at my goal weight. Do you workout? Jog, run, lift?! :nerd:

5'9 with a weight of 135 pounds :smokin

yup, i'm skinny :lol:
I weighed 110 last time I got my physical. I feel like I've gained 5 - 10 pounds in the last two weeks, eating every two hours and protein shakes has me like :x
How tall is you tho :nerd:
5'7 lol
My height too :nthat:
But in like 138 pounds :frown:
Dude, two more pounds and you're at my goal weight. Do you workout? Jog, run, lift?! :nerd:

5'9 with a weight of 135 pounds :smokin

yup, i'm skinny :lol:
Let's workout and bulk up! TANs Up and Coming Buffs. :evil:
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