the thread about nothing...

i want some yambz.

Go to the store and buy some, there in the can food isle

Beast Man: If Batros is so smart, how come he stole the books instead of the gold and the jewels?
Skeletor: Because unlike you, Batros has a brain. What he has taken is more precious than gold or jewels.
Beast Man: Books?
Skeletor: Of course, you worthless hunk of fur. Books are the real treasures of the world.
y'all getting same day delivery with amazon prime?
wht ordered something on Monday and those pieces of fecal matter deliberately didn't ship the **** till 5pm yesterdaay to spite wht for not paying the 3.99 extra.
your video service sucks **** worst than honey dip btw.
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Not all Americans are fat and lazy, i'm about to walk to get my Big Mac when I could easily get it delivered :pimp:

Big mac's by me are now buy one get one for a penny :nerd: :nerd:

Morning TAN....busy at work today will check in later.

My mom flies in tomorrow to visit. I saw her in august for my bday (she lives in florida) but before that it had been a whole year. I am an admitted mama's-boy since i was raised by a single mom. I love seeing her because everything just falls back into place. I just feel more normal when she is around.
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damn grizz sorry to hear that... what happened?
My step dads nephew died this morning... we were never really that close, but we were always cool with one another..  what's so messed up is dude was only in his 30's and had 3 kids.. 

i guess they said he started having trouble breathing last night, and by the time the ambulence got there he had stop breathing and they couldn't get him back.
wow man thats terrible sorry to hear about that. Thoughts with you and your family
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Why do people hate this thread so much ? 
They assume it's a thread within a thread. It's really not tho. Or it can be an eyesore to dem.
I've come to the conclusion that they simply don't read it. You can pick a page, any page in this thread and figure out it's about nothing. There is no rhyme or reason for anything in here, which is fine. I guess some people can't grasp abstract concepts. I also believe that because we don't argue, nitpick, or racially insult or take shots at one another, it's hard for some people on NT to process 

. I don't know about other people, but I can't go back and forth, on the internet no less, on a point or points that are clear and have an answer, but because I'm behind a keyboard I'll argue it to no end. I like my message boards to be nice and peaceful and fun thankyouverymuch. I get tired of the JB thread, retro, S&T, and parts of general that argue over the dumbest **** ever. Do people even read what they post after they post it? I mean really? So Ninjahood would advocate for stuff that was said about Steezy's wife the other night? That's what's good on these NT streets? Yeah, ok....
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