the thread about nothing...


you know what's wack tho...having to listen to your upstairs neighbor's weak pipe game. It's sad man....

you know what's wack tho...having to listen to your upstairs neighbor's weak pipe game. It's sad man....
all bad

you know what's wack tho...having to listen to your upstairs neighbor's weak pipe game. It's sad man....
like the bag pipes? 

you know what's wack tho...having to listen to your upstairs neighbor's weak pipe game. It's sad man....
One random moan out of nowhere then silence. All bad man, all bad..
And Aaron Hernandez had some bad breaks in life man. I feel sad for him in some respects
Sorry if this is the wrong girlfriend of 2 years just broke up with me and I really don't know what to do with myself. I know I need to keep busy and I'll be working, exercising, etc. in the future but I don't know what to do tonight. Any good movie suggestions or online games or something? I honestly dont know haha just need something to take my mind off things. Alcohol lead to the break up so I want to avoid that and i don't smoke.
drinking these modelos and pacifico beers.

we outchea TAN!

Sorry dude.

Hit up red box!

A place beyond the pines and pain and gain.

Damn man I just watched a place beyond the pines with her like a week ago |I haha I'll watch Pain and Gain though, trailer looks good. Thanks for the response man, appreciated.
Sorry if this is the wrong girlfriend of 2 years just broke up with me and I really don't know what to do with myself. I know I need to keep busy and I'll be working, exercising, etc. in the future but I don't know what to do tonight. Any good movie suggestions or online games or something? I honestly dont know haha just need something to take my mind off things. Alcohol lead to the break up so I want to avoid that and i don't smoke.

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