the thread about nothing...

Da feck is this guys? Anyone else get this email?

I am miss esther manbram am a young and single girl,Its my pleasure to let you know my interest in you after viewing your profile today,this is my email([email protected])

Write me through my email([email protected])
to enable me send you my photos and tell you more about myself.We shall communicate better when i see your response in my email([email protected])am waiting to see your response in my email.

([email protected])Thanks and remain blessed.
Those 160g ipods, can you also get on the internet and DL a bunch of apps and stuff like those 16g touch screen ones?
no its strictly for music and movies, imagine the price for a 160 gb iphone or touch :x

I need that touch so bad...Im squeaking by in storage with my 64gig :smh:

yea, touch doesn't have enough storage either and i barely have any apps.

wish my 160 gb classic still worked, it had the longest battery life too, got hit with hardware errors and it was done :frown:

Late pass, but wow, the price to a 160g touch would be insane, and there wouldn't need to be a reason to have any other ipod :x :lol: I just went ahead and got a 64g. If I filled up a 16g in 3 years, I should be fine with this one for awhile.
It's amazing the power of music. Was feeling down before then Bob Marley's Three Little Birds popped into my head and all is well again :smokin
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