the thread about nothing...

Can we get confirmation that TAN league talk is good in TAN?

i figured when he posted on the same pg when we were discussing that big trade & no one got axed we were good.... & we did it all fantasy season last yr with 0 issues

word as long as its about tan and not players and points we good

rck tried to throw his team to jjwatt cuz he caught the ban -yes

i need a touchdown from player x to win -no

fraij ima beat that *** in this weeks matchup -yes

who should i start, player a or player b -no

with that said, fraij ima beat that *** in this weeks matchup :evil:
finished season 2 of THE WIRE

what am i in for heading into season 3?????
without spoilers if possible
Season 3 picks up more. Goes back to that season 1 feel
Just saw Chili from TLC walking in the mall. she still fine at her age.
usher lost 
I would have tried to know what? Nevermind
I saw them that day. The most noticeable one was Samuel L of course because of the color of his shirt. Spike put that on IG and I purposely drove that way to see if it was actually done that day. Samuel L is at least a legit 6'2" lol.

We can talk TAN FF? I hope so

The League is back tonight..can't wait.
Where they were, it was approximately 7 blocks from my crib. When they actually shot the movie, I lived closer, crowds were there every day that summer. 
One of my favorite movies ever, and I just added it to my favorites list on worldcat for my collection development class. 

I like to show diversity in what I select. DTRT was perfect in that regard. 
Where they were, it was approximately 7 blocks from my crib. When they actually shot the movie, I lived closer, crowds were there every day that summer. 
One of my favorite movies ever, and I just added it to my favorites list on worldcat for my collection development class. 

I like to show diversity in what I select. DTRT was perfect in that regard. 
As a kid, I really didn't understand it all. I went through a phase where I thought it was aight, then I didn't like it, but I like it. I came on HBO about 4 months ago at like 1:30am and I watched it until the end and it was a weeknight. I like his themes, but they are mostly repetitive, at least from my eyes. From School Daze, DTRT, Mo' Betta Blues etc. Idk, I think he could do less to beat you over the head with a "message" in the early movies. He certainly has moved away from that but at one point in time the movies he made had a "you must get this message" feel to it lol
Thank you Pablo, she looks vaguely familiar, but she's def appreciated. Why are my emoticons not working?
^ That is Rosie. If I saw my man Giancarlo Esposito, I probably would have lost it being a fan of his work overall but of Gus Fring lol
She's a soccer player??? (eyepoppingemoticoninthisspotuntilIfigureouthowtofixmyemoticons)

Damn. Her feet don't look too jacked up either....I'm impressed. She sort of looks like one of those En Vougue Chicks. But I see you Pabs....
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