the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

why the %@*# is paypal asking for my ssn, photo id & address? 
im just trynna add some money to the account and now they harassing me? 

Im guessin you made a change to your account recently, annoying but they do it for security measures, had to go through a 2-week process because the address on my I.D. wasnt visible
Does anyone remember that animated Disney film where the guy gets mistreated because he's disfigured and looks different from all the other people in his village ?

If i can recall , he wore a green shirt which was torn later in the film .

Thanks !
Originally Posted by BasedOMG

Does anyone remember that animated Disney film where the guy gets mistreated because he's disfigured and looks different from all the other people in his village ?

If i can recall , he wore a green shirt which was torn later in the film .

Thanks !
Umm....the Hunchback of Notre Dame. It was also a classic book 
. On another note, my gf just left to go back home
. Been down all day. This sucks.
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by BasedOMG

Does anyone remember that animated Disney film where the guy gets mistreated because he's disfigured and looks different from all the other people in his village ?

If i can recall , he wore a green shirt which was torn later in the film .

Thanks !
Umm....the Hunchback of Notre Dame. It was also a classic book 
. On another note, my gf just left to go back home
. Been down all day. This sucks.
Thanks .
Go out and chill then .
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I think I convinced myself I'm leaving at the end of this year. Can't be in a household with a bunch of 'family' that I can't trust. I can't take care of everybody. I can't hold myself back to ensure everybody else sits back and enjoys compliments of my hardwork. These are grown men we're talking about.

I think it falls back on the lifestyle of this generation. They want everything, but don't want to put any effort in getting that. I busted my ##@ and sacrificed ALOT of thngs for this family in the last 4 years, I'm done - I've had enough.

I did my mother and siblings a favor by moving back in so I can help them out, but nothing has progressed. 3 brothers, all of them are bum, weed-smoking rejects.

I'll probably just send my mom money like I used too, but it won't be nearly as much as before - and I'm hoping that encourages everybody else to step up.

cause if duke didnt learn the first time, and he did it again, hes gonna push your limits again, and the last thing you want is the catch a case for beating the brakes off him. fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
That's how I feel right now man, my only fear is catching a case - which might happen if my mom calls the police on me. I don't want to take it that far, so I'm hoping I catch him slipping outside of the house somehow. I have no choice, and I feel like what I'm going to do is something that will permanently affect our family's relationship - but something's gotta be done.

Thanks for listening NT, I needed to vent.

/end rant.
why you gunna run away from the problem? you have a chance to change ur bros life.
take ur brother to lunch or something and explain everything to him and tell him about life and that the way he is living will get him no where. help him find a job or sign up for classes. 

if i was in your shoes i would use this opportunity to be a hero so ur bro will forever respect you

went to a graduation today at ucla the women there were 
 this summertime weather brings out the masses
Originally Posted by 1C3M4M

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

why the %@*# is paypal asking for my ssn, photo id & address? 
im just trynna add some money to the account and now they harassing me? 

Im guessin you made a change to your account recently, annoying but they do it for security measures, had to go through a 2-week process because the address on my I.D. wasnt visible
haven't made any changes in a while.
last thing i even did with the account way a payment to eBay on the 2nd

really not with this whole giving up ssn & photo id crap at all

why does the temperature want to go up to 90+ this week?

cinnamon rolls

Marina Nery
anyone know where I can order a cheapish, but new desktop PC for my parents?

It does not need anything fancy (as far as video cards, etc.)
My mom's boyfriend's daughter has a kid. She (the daughter) has the kid refer to my mom as grandma. Her mom is not really in her life, she's like a drug addict, but it still rubs me the wrong way. What say you, thread about nothing? Kinda weird right? Never really heard this until today, but damn, I cringed about every time I heard it.
Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo

anyone know where I can order a cheapish, but new desktop PC for my parents?

It does not need anything fancy (as far as video cards, etc.)

Buy my mac mini and hook it up to an hdtv which i feel they may have or a second monitor in the house. They'll be happy, you'll be happy and ill be happy.
On another similar note, someone in this thread has to know someone or maybe possibly one of you guys would like to buy my mac mini, i just want to sell it already. Ever since i got my macbook air, its been sitting in its box just there not being used. Waiting for a new home to be used and loved to and put to use its wonderfull processing power and computeral capabilities. Nobody knows the possiblities of things that can happen with the person who ends up buying, maybe they will meet their soulmate on eharmony or, maybe they could find their long lost cousin pablo who was thought to be gone by the entire family. Maybe they could develop an app that will put an end the economic issues in europe and all across the world. They could even take up online web design classes and make the next big internet sensation.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

I can't believe there are actually apologist for that sorry *%! @!$@%.

Some of you are sad.

Nobody is apologizing for her. I'm just looking at it from the other side. I know thats hard, if not, impossible for some people to do.
I grew up in that life. Pops was gone 6 months out the year and all moms did was talk @!$@ about him while he was gone. She never stepped out on him, as far as I know, but she did not like that @!$@ at all. A lot of women will say the understand, but they really don't. They dont hope for the best and expect the worst, they hope for the best and expect the best. In her mind, it was all gonna work out and be a regular marriage. Yes, shes wrong for trying to step out on her marriage. Yes, she was stupid for marrying a guy in the military if she was ready to deal with the consequences. At the same time, I'm willing to bet her husband didn't flat out say, "Look, I'm not going to be able to be there for you a lot while I'm active." If he did, i bet she would've thought twice.

Dude could've just gave a simple, "No thank you" and be done with it. Exposing her is going to do as much damage as her actually cheating on her husband.
Bruh she wrong. No way around it. How the hell you don't know your spouse go be gone for extended periods if he/she is in the military during wartime? She's stupid. And dude isn't trying to do damage control. If she go cheat, why be honest with dude and not with her husband? If she should've just hit dude up and left out the "my husband...." *Not giving tips on how to cheat better, tips on not being stupid. He should've got her husband name/info and sent it to him. 
Have any of you guys ever pulled a Hooters chick? I went last week and thought about it, it's gotta be pretty difficult
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