the thread about nothing...

rck must have mistaken the flag for a thumbs up

It was Rck. He was drunk, accidentally hit the button.




All my dogs :smile:

Love these dudes, when nobody is there these dogs will always be there to put a smile on your face
Like I said before I'm a cat dude

everybody is a cat dude.
dudes just wanna put up a front to look hard :smh:


in all seriousness i hope your dog gets better MJGREATXII.
and perhaps if any of your dogs have puppies, you could name one taylor for me, k.
:wink: :smile:
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Do yall think what he said is still relevant today? This has been quoted/reposted a few times now.....

It will always be relevant because the wound will never heal

Yes, because issues surrounding institutional racism and prejudice still exist and that's something many are either ignorant of or simply fail to acknowledge. Many would disagree with obvious racism in slurs, clear discrimination, etc., but if you're unwilling to recognize or even discuss the larger issues at hand, then how much progress could ever be made?

It will always be relevant because the wound will never heal
acknowledging that the knife is still there tho!

The reason why I quoted the original Malcolm X gifs was the line.."they won't even admit that the knife is there"
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