the thread about nothing...

meditated for the 1st time, not sure if I was doing it right but i feel great right about now 

At first I thought you put medicated I had to reread that.

:smh: :stoneface: :smh: at myself.
and you decided to write about that?

So you decided to write THAT?

Them sandals 

Them socks :x

Yup it gets weird around here at night :lol:

Rck2, that movie was weird to me. I watched a little bit of it and got creeped out. Tim Burton is super weird. And no, no one gives a damn about the Kings, not even boogie. That boy need to calm down I swear.

So much I read that was funny I forgot. Tr1ll, that was a dope adventure time pic.
Dedicated to Rck2, your team sucks, but your loyalty doesn't :lol:. Forgot I even had these. I still love em.

we're jumping to conclusions guys. they could be accidentally doing that.

or maybe he's sharing some kind of medicine or something with him.



 politicians are the best 

I wish I could be in politics 

 but I'm asian 

currently 9 Asian members total in the Senate and House though :smile:
Out of 535 total members 

 and those 9 members are probably smarter and more accomplished than I ever will be even if I lived to be a thousand years old 

I wish I was a smart and motivated asian. I'm just slightly knowledgeable and lazy as hell 

you can be, breh. I'm lazy too though, it shall be my downfall.

all this useless knowledge :smh: I need to hit da lottery. then I won't care how lazy I am.

someone told me i should run for senate or at least a councilman. i told her i wasnt corrupt enough to do it.

Do you talk about your bowl movements to people you know?

If so, how do they react?

If no, why don't you tell them?

Also, do you document your bowl movements?

so my moms in the hospital and she wont let me know where shes staying at. damn chinese moms and their "dont worry, i dont want to be a bother to you when im in a hospital bed" ways. i realized shes like hank hills father

Do you talk about your bowel movements to people you know?

If so, how do they react?

If no, why don't you tell them?

Also, do you document your bowl movements?
I hope you don't think this is ducktails but......

Yes I do

Me and my group of friends speak freely of bowel movements. Hell even when we are playing Halo, we freely speak of our BMs and get mixed reactions from fellow Halo players

No I don't document my BMs..... who does that 
 plus I speak with my friends often enough to where I can just tell them about it as its happening or shortly thereafter 
Ever set up some stuff to catch a person in a lie about creeping/stalking you?

**** just happened to me. After months of waiting, this girl has finally proved me right. :smh:
Girls who post their number up on facebook...... you should avoid them right?
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