the thread about nothing...

What brand and type of mashed potatoes is that?
Wait people actually buy those Pre made mmashed potatoes?
I personally haven't bought them, but I've tried them.

They don't taste good.
Thank you repped

Wait people actually buy those Pre made mmashed potatoes?
Not me sir. Homemade over here. They are garlic mashed potatoes.
What's that recipe?
Bruh, I'm sitting here browsing TAN in the sanctity of my living room all quiet and whatnot, then out of nowhere I hear a crash outside. I get up and open the door, thinking I'm about to get murked, turns out it's a damb racoon in my trash cans knocking stuff over & out :stoneface: Scared the daylights out of me, b. Then the ***** looked me in the eyes and continued after I turned the lights on.

**** racoons, son. /rant
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I personally haven't bought them, but I've tried them.
They don't taste good.

What's that recipe?

2lbs of white potatoes, peeled and diced. Midway of the peeling and diceing, start a pot of boiling water, about 5-6 cups of water or enough to cover. Once water has a rapid boil, put in potatoes. Potatoes are gonna take like 25 mins (give or take) to get soft. Next, in another pot melt a half a stick of butter on med-high heat. Add a tbl spoon of crushed garlic and 2 cups of milk to the butter. Lower the heat to about med, stir and watch that you don't over boil the milk. After about 2-3 minutes milk/butter mix should be done. Remove off of heat. Back to the potatoes. Test price of potato by trying to mash it with a fork. If it mashes easily, take potatoes off heat and drain them. Put potatoes back in pot and mash them a little. Add butter mixture to potatoes while you're still mashing. Then add a cup of parmesan cheese, teaspoon of salt/pepper to taste. Once potatoes are nice and fluffy, your done. Bob appetite!
Bruh, I'm sitting here browsing TAN in the sanctity of my living room all quiet and whatnot, then out of nowhere I hear a crash outside. I get up and open the door, thinking I'm about to get murked, turns out it's a damb racoon in my trash cans knocking stuff over & out :stoneface: Scared the daylights out of me, b. Then the ***** looked me in the eyes and continued after I turned the lights on.

**** racoons, son. /rant

My job is close to some hills so we see a lot of squirrels, coyotes and raccoons, one day I'm walking to another building and to my left I see 2 raccoons walking by the fence about 60 feet away from me, they stop walking and just look at me and we have a stare down so I pick up a rock and throw it at them, these guys don't even flinch or scatter, so they then just keep slowly waking but this time down the hill and I walk down the stairs, I look to my left again and I can see them staring at me, this time they stop on the asphalt so I pick up another rock and throw it at them, these dudes immediately get up on their hind legs and pick up their front paws like they want to fight so I'm just standing there staring these raccoons challenging me to a fight, a few seconds later they continue walking and take off behind some buildings
My job is close to some hills so we see a lot of squirrels, coyotes and raccoons, one day I'm walking to another building and to my left I see 2 raccoons walking by the fence about 60 feet away from me, they stop walking and just look at me and we have a stare down so I pick up a rock and throw it at them, these guys don't even flinch or scatter, so they then just keep slowly waking but this time down the hill and I walk down the stairs, I look to my left again and I can see them staring at me, this time they stop on the asphalt so I pick up another rock and throw it at them, these dudes immediately get up on their hind legs and pick up their front paws like they want to fight so I'm just standing there staring these raccoons challenging me to a fight, a few seconds later they continue walking and take off behind some buildings

:lol: @ them looking at you like they want to fight. I know that feel bro. I think it's safest to say that racoons are the gulliest animals in the kingdom. I never seen an animal mug me like that raccoon did. I swear them joints have no fear.
Anywhere I can covnert a youtube video into MP3?

With no sign up, no program download, no bs.

Reps will be given, of course
Anything with no time limit?

It can only convert a video of 20 minutes max.

Mine is 2 hours
What is this an audiobook? there cant be a 2 hour song that you want
Thanks guys.

The mighty duck got it for me.
I used to love this cartoon, had me wanting to play hockey.
Sold a pair of shoes on here, buyer said he got empty box, sent me pics and stuff with the USPS empty box stickers. Didn't have insurance on the package, anything I can do or am I out of $200???

(PayPal already refunded him the money,I provided proof the box wasn't empty and they said they believe but I lose basically)
Wow, that sounds bad. Post office people are really stealing stuff out of boxes like that? Doesnt surprise me, its easy to tell when sneakers are being shipped.

Bruh, I'm sitting here browsing TAN in the sanctity of my living room all quiet and whatnot, then out of nowhere I hear a crash outside. I get up and open the door, thinking I'm about to get murked, turns out it's a damb racoon in my trash cans knocking stuff over & out
Scared the daylights out of me, b. Then the ***** looked me in the eyes and continued after I turned the lights on.

**** racoons, son. /rant
I tried to catch this raccoon in 5th grade. I had food traps laid out and everything. I had sticks on deck ready to beat it down
. Cartoons man
I got work in 3 hours and can't even close my eyes. Da hell man
Athletes not smiling in pictures is a hilarious concept to me. Looking through 2K12 player pics, the first 8 teams I sorted through. 1 smile
 it's gonna be at a bar so what ever they have there is gonna be free, and they have pretty much everything u would want 

edit: i will be going straight for the Henny 

I have a little sister who's having a sweet 15 this year.. (We have different dads) and hers is prty loaded.. Gana b open bar..
Will also b going straight for the henny :smokin
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