the thread about nothing...

Back on that workout grind after the holidays eating, drinking, and just catching up with family and friends.
Feels good.

bro, do you even lift?

try being one of the only Hawaiian guys at your college... it was super tough
just kidding... fresh weekly buns from the ladies :evil:
some polynesian football guys visited this summer... :evil:

how about a "Secret Holiday About Nothing" spectacular...
1 - 16 - 12 is officially the 'holiday about nothing' (yeah I just made that up)...
you send out a gift about nothing and will receive a gift about nothing, how much do you want to spend? who cares... my questionnare will be loaded with the most random and irrelevant information regarding your 'person about nothing'.
if you are in PM me with your email address... (deadline is new years at midnight)
if you deadbeat this, then expect this after every single one of your posts after 1 -16 - 12... and on top of that, the TAN fam will promise to never read, or quote any of your posts in here... you will be dead to us :nthat:

vote for me guise :frown:
I think I'm in love with a girl at work. Crazy thing is, she's newly married. Met her the day she got back from her honeymoon (like 2 months ago). Everyone sees she's always flirty with me and we always have lunch/breaks together. Today she literally said "marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be all the time". Chick is mad cool, loves sports, Jordan is her favorite ball player ever, funny, smart, gorgeous etc. idk what to do about it though. I've been the dude cheated on before and know it sucks bad so I wouldn't make a move on this girl bc I respect that she's married, but damn what the hell do I do?

Is your last name Sawyer? :nerd:

also the dudes in the JB forum be going hard at each other :smh:
I think I'm in love with a girl at work. Crazy thing is, she's newly married. Met her the day she got back from her honeymoon (like 2 months ago). Everyone sees she's always flirty with me and we always have lunch/breaks together. Today she literally said "marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be all the time". Chick is mad cool, loves sports, Jordan is her favorite ball player ever, funny, smart, gorgeous etc. idk what to do about it though. I've been the dude cheated on before and know it sucks bad so I wouldn't make a move on this girl bc I respect that she's married, but damn what the hell do I do?

you are new here so I will give you proper advise... first step is to post a pic of her, nothing gross or anything but something for us to get an idea of what type she is... from there we can give you solid and professional tips
Any gif creators in TAN?

Can I get that Camron "***** Please.." gif in slow motion please???

you are new here so I will give you proper advise... first step is to post a pic of her, nothing gross or anything but something for us to get an idea of what type she is... from there we can give you solid and professional tips
Oh nah I've been here for a while with some other s/n's but just set up a new one. I thought about putting a pic but decided against it bc of the fact that she's married and you never know who lurks on NT. I wouldn't want random word to get back to a husband about her being flirty
Wana start a thread called post your day in pics.... But cant because i can only use mobile nt my labtop is being fixed

Some one start it...
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