the thread about nothing...

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xxpizzo, I don't think you should get her a gift to make up for a past mistake. Her reminding you was a low blow as well. And if she hadnt pulled the scab back would you feel as obliged? If you're getting it for a dear friend and not a bitter ex, okay. If not, Life happens. Keep it movin'.
very well spoken, sir. Like you said life happens and to keep it moving is which ive done, but now this is more just outta friendship since she going through a rough patch in life right now. i thought id brighten up her day alittle. Also she knows we will never be anything more
xxpizzo, I don't think you should get her a gift to make up for a past mistake. Her reminding you was a low blow as well. And if she hadnt pulled the scab back would you feel as obliged? If you're getting it for a dear friend and not a bitter ex, okay. If not, Life happens. Keep it movin'.
very well spoken, sir. Like you said life happens and to keep it moving is which ive done, but now this is more just outta friendship since she going through a rough patch in life right now. i thought id brighten up her day alittle. Also she knows we will never be anything more

Exactly, be a good friend bro- you know what to do. Even get some flowers too to make her feel special

i know, im soft when it comes to women and their feelings- you can thank my mom for that (she raised me)

That's very thoughtful of you. Hope she knows the friend she has.
Dogs are a mans bestfriend , cats on the otherhand not so much. Atleast you can walk your dog and have females come up to you and ask if they can pet them and boom you got a conversation started. Dogs bring the females in
I don't have a preference for dogs or cats, but I've never heard of a cat saving someone from a well let alone anywhere else.
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