the thread about nothing...

Wow I heard and saw her name so much over the years and never knew what she looked like.

Got the puter putin'.
I'm not feeling so awesome again.

Lightweight facebook creeped on my ex as best I could without being fb friends........

Bad move, had me feeling like these two scenes

from :26

And now I feel like this song

I'm only just a handsome, sometimes brolic, smart, quirky, tanned, weirdly funny, has a bright future ahead of myself in the medical field, young man......... yall what the hell is wrong with me :frown:

Why me so broken :frown: :frown: why don't she want me no more :frown:
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I'm not feeling so awesome again.

Lightweight facebook creeped on my ex as best I could without being fb friends........

Bad move, had me feeling like these two scenes

from :26

And now I feel like this song

I'm only just a handsome, sometimes brolic, smart, quirky, tanned, weirdly funny, has a bright future ahead of myself in the medical field, young man......... yall what the hell is wrong with me :frown:

Why me so broken :frown: :frown: why don't she want me no more :frown:

I know that feel. If you truly feel things can work, hit her up. If she's not having it, you must let go family. There are too many women out there to be caught up on one. The sooner you let go and focus that energy on courting other ladies, the better.

Take it as a learning experience. Onward and upward from here, brotha.
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I'm not feeling so awesome again.
Lightweight facebook creeped on my ex as best I could without being fb friends........
Bad move, had me feeling like these two scenes
from :26And now I feel like this songI'm only just a handsome, sometimes brolic, smart, quirky, tanned, weirdly funny, has a bright future ahead of myself in the medical field, young man......... yall what the hell is wrong with me

Why me so broken
why don't she want me no more
 i know that feel bruh, when my ex dumped me i stalked her for a couple weeks, didn't see anything bad but it sucked bc she would put lovey dovey things that only her & i knew. she would would talk **** about me then the next day write good things about me. had me thinking like if she was happy then why would she call it quits out of nowhere. she messaged me last month (after 7 months of not talking) and told me she stalks me to see if i'm ok, she deleted her facebook before i had the chance to reply, she said she misses me, goes to chill where we first hung out at and cares about me but in my head i'm like if the love is still there and she was happy and still cares then why did she break up with me? i know why but i think it's a stupid reason

i feel she was the first girl i loved but we gotta move on bruh, get your mind off her, i get tempted to stalk but it's not worth it, i'm not benefiting from it, it only bums me out bad, all i do is hope she's fine, healthy and happy
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I know that feel. If you truly feel things can work, hit her up. If she's not having it, you must let go family. There are too many women out there to be caught up on one. The sooner you let go and focus that energy on courting other ladies, the better.

Take it as a learning experience. Onward and upward from here, brotha.
She ain't having any of it. Like none of it or me at all. And I guess thats what im so down on. Like how could anyone just, figuratively, wanna dead you. Who does that? Reminds me of Heartless from 808s :lol: :\

Literally everyone is telling me to move it on, but I just dunno how. Especially when I more or less had zero closure on the break, not to sound like a female.
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|I  i know that feel bruh, when my ex dumped me i stalked her for a couple weeks, didn't see anything bad but it sucked bc she would put lovey dovey things that only her & i knew. she would would talk **** about me then the next day write good things about me. had me thinking like if she was happy then why would she call it quits out of nowhere. she messaged me last month (after 7 months of not talking) and told me she stalks me to see if i'm ok, she deleted her facebook before i had the chance to reply, she said she misses me, goes to chill where we first hung out at and cares about me but in my head i'm like if the love is still there and she was happy and still cares then why did she break up with me? i know why but i think it's a stupid reason:frown:
i feel she was the first girl i loved but we gotta move on bruh, get your mind off her, i get tempted to stalk but it's not worth it, i'm not benefiting from it, it only bums me out bad, all i do is hope she's fine, healthy and happy
How old are you if you don't mind me asking??

Me and my ex first met when we were 18..... I'm 23 now. We broke up almost 6 months ago. And she's been this huge hole in me this entire time. I've tried to open up to people but I just don't wanna let people close to me know how much its effecting me. Especially when I really do have tons in my life going for me. In a year I'll be done with nursing school, I'm traveling Asia, the middle east, and Europe next summer. Like I dunno man.

I guess its my fault... after the break up, we were cool for a minute. She lives in Long Beach and I live in Sac (5-6 hour drive) But when she came home to Sac, we kicked it and what not. She even had me help her do her hair since I used to always give her a hand with it (she is a hair stylist) and was the only one she trusted, hell I even got sushi with her and her family. But it all fell apart when I told her I still had feelings for her like 3 months after we broke up. It sucks. And now I'm pretty much here.
dat asian glow killing me :wow:
Damn son.... I know dat feeling bruh.

You just gotta drink slow to start off then power thru. Drink too quick and the asian glow will light up quicker.

For example, last night I took 6 shots in about 10 minutes before heading out for the night. I was red as ****. :lol:

But if I had taken those 6 shots over say an hour, and then drank like I regularly would I probably would have been fine
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dat asian glow killing me :wow:
Damn son.... I know dat feeling bruh.

You just gotta drink slow to start off then power thru. Drink too quick and the asian glow will light up quicker.

For example, last night I took 6 shots in about 10 minutes before heading out for the night. I was red as ****. :lol:

But if I had taken those 6 shots over say an hour, and then drank like I regularly would I probably would have been fine

I used to get the glow after like 3 drinks. Ever since college, my threshold has risen way up. I am also Filipino, though. I don't think you can get around it if you're Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese.
I know that feel. If you truly feel things can work, hit her up. If she's not having it, you must let go family. There are too many women out there to be caught up on one. The sooner you let go and focus that energy on courting other ladies, the better.

Take it as a learning experience. Onward and upward from here, brotha.
She ain't having any of it. Like none of it or me at all. And I guess thats what im so down on. Like how could anyone just, figuratively, wanna dead you. Who does that? Reminds me of Heartless from 808s :lol: :\

Literally everyone is telling me to move it on, but I just dunno how. Especially when I more or less had zero closure on the break, not to sound like a female.

Girls are that way. You gotta learn to expect the unexpected. Five years is a long time but there was something there that didn't click anymore with her. Hate to sound harsh but she just ain't feeling you anymore. Could be a result of young love and her just wanting to explore different things. It could be how you treat her or how you didn't treat her. You are still very young. Someone will come along but you must open up, let it out, and let it go.

She probably knows how hard it is for you. Being friends isn't enough. But it has to be. :\
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How old are you if you don't mind me asking??
Me and my ex first met when we were 18..... I'm 23 now. We broke up almost 6 months ago. And she's been this huge hole in me this entire time. I've tried to open up to people but I just don't wanna let people close to me know how much its effecting me. Especially when I really do have tons in my life going for me. In a year I'll be done with nursing school, I'm traveling Asia, the middle east, and Europe next summer. Like I dunno man.
I guess its my fault... after the break up, we were cool for a minute. She lives in Long Beach and I live in Sac (5-6 hour drive) But when she came home to Sac, we kicked it and what not. She even had me help her do her hair since I used to always give her a hand with it (she is a hair stylist) and was the only one she trusted, hell I even got sushi with her and her family. But it all fell apart when I told her I still had feelings for her like 3 months after we broke up. It sucks. And now I'm pretty much here.
of course i mind
my ex from is from long beach as well, sucks bc i go there occasionally to skate and i would hate to bump into her

i wanted to visit her and surprise her after breaking up but i just said **** it whatever and just took the break up as it was. dude you have a lot more to worry about and focus your mind on, i have nothing going for me right now

snap out of it
Girls are that way. You gotta learn to expect the unexpected. Five years is a long time but there was something there that didn't click anymore with her. Hate to sound harsh but she just ain't feeling you anymore. Could be a result of young love and her just wanting to explore different things. It could be how you treat her or how you didn't treat her. You are still very young. Someone will come along who wont give you won't quit on you cold turkey. Heartless move she did, but you gotta develop a tougher skin. Ladies will throw you a curveball quick. Don't steady 'em. Keep it movin'.
I feel that, everything you said is true. Just tough to move on when everything around me reminds me of her still :\ I'll see a similar car back home (our parents live like 5 minutes from each other) and I automatically think/hope its her; and she doesn't even live anywhere near me no more :lol:

I definitely need thicker skin, and I guess actually doing something about it rather than mope around will help with that. I think my biggest issue is that everyone I know expects me to be this big tough skinned dude.... but I'm really not at all
of course i mind

my ex from is from long beach as well, sucks bc i go there occasionally to skate and i would hate to bump into her:lol: notreallyiwouldlovetoseeher|I :frown:
i wanted to visit her and surprise her after breaking up but i just said **** it whatever and just took the break up as it was. dude you have a lot more to worry about and focus your mind on, i have nothing going for me right now
snap out of it:smile:
:lol: I miss Long Beach dude, before I got into the nursing program here and was still in community college in Sac, I basically moved out there with her for a year. While attending class in my hometown Tuesday-Thursday :lol: :smh: That was expensive....... Where you from?? I'm actually scared of bumping into her, cuz the only time I'm back in my hometown is if I'm on a date with girls I know in that area. It would probably hurt me knowing that she saw me with another chick :lol: But from stalking her tonight, it doesn't look like she'll be home too much at all... whatever

Dog I was so close to driving out to LB on whim and just surprising the hell out of her. But this was after she incinerated every ounce of hope I had for us. So I didn't and instead went on I think a 60 day alcohol binge :smh: :frown:

I know I need to snap out of it, but like I had just posted, she reminds me of everything. So much of what I had accomplished was with her in mind, whether it was school, jobs, working on my body, learning to ******g cook..... Like that was my motivation. Now its gone, and I'm just like **** it.
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Girls are that way. You gotta learn to expect the unexpected. Five years is a long time but there was something there that didn't click anymore with her. Hate to sound harsh but she just ain't feeling you anymore. Could be a result of young love and her just wanting to explore different things. It could be how you treat her or how you didn't treat her. You are still very young. Someone will come along who wont give you won't quit on you cold turkey. Heartless move she did, but you gotta develop a tougher skin. Ladies will throw you a curveball quick. Don't steady 'em. Keep it movin'.
I feel that, everything you said is true. Just tough to move on when everything around me reminds me of her still :\ I'll see a similar car back home (our parents live like 5 minutes from each other) and I automatically think/hope its her; and she doesn't even live anywhere near me no more :lol:

I definitely need thicker skin, and I guess actually doing something about it rather than mope around will help with that. I think my biggest issue is that everyone I know expects me to be this big tough skinned dude.... but I'm really not at all

Whatever you do, don't listen to this song:

Damn son.... I know dat feeling bruh.
You just gotta drink slow to start off then power thru. Drink too quick and the asian glow will light up quicker.
For example, last night I took 6 shots in about 10 minutes before heading out for the night. I was red as ****. :lol:
But if I had taken those 6 shots over say an hour, and then drank like I regularly would I probably would have been fine
thanks for the heads up.
I used to get the glow after like 3 drinks. Ever since college, my threshold has risen way up. I am also Filipino, though. I don't think you can get around it if you're Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese.
damb, you knew I was flip? :wow: :lol: :pimp:

One time I tried pepcid AC (to reduce the redness), don't think it worked though.. think I got drunker, can't remember... I blacked out that night :lol: :smh:
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damb, you knew I was flip? :wow: :lol: :pimp:

One time I tried pepcid AC (to reduce the redness), don't think it worked though.. think I got drunker, can't remember... I blacked out that night :lol: :smh:

I didn't know actually. I think Filipinos have it easier because we are darker than most Asians. That is, unless you are some kind of Filipino/Chinese/Spanish mix like I am. This one Chinese friend of mine tried the Pepcid AC trick. I don't even know if it made a difference on her or not. She claims it did (shrugs).
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bacon is overrated 
This looks like Allison Brie, it cant be? Can it? IS this the video game episode of Community? I dont remember this at all
I'm not feeling so awesome again.

Lightweight facebook creeped on my ex as best I could without being fb friends........

Bad move, had me feeling like these two scenes

from :26

And now I feel like this song

I'm only just a handsome, sometimes brolic, smart, quirky, tanned, weirdly funny, has a bright future ahead of myself in the medical field, young man......... yall what the hell is wrong with me

Why me so broken
why don't she want me no more
This and all subsequent posts about this subject were too real
I miss Long Beach dude, before I got into the nursing program here and was still in community college in Sac, I basically moved out there with her for a year. While attending class in my hometown Tuesday-Thursday
That was expensive....... Where you from?? I'm actually scared of bumping into her, cuz the only time I'm back in my hometown is if I'm on a date with girls I know in that area. It would probably hurt me knowing that she saw me with another chick

Dog I was so close to driving out to LB on whim and just surprising the hell out of her. But this was after she incinerated every ounce of hope I had for us. So I didn't and instead went on I think a 60 day alcohol binge

I know I need to snap out of it, but like I had just posted, she reminds me of everything. So much of what I had accomplished was with her in mind, whether it was school, jobs, working on my body, learning to ******g cook..... Like that was my motivation. Now its gone, and I'm just like **** it.
are you from LB? i'm from oxnard, about an hour and a half north of LB but damn, that was a lot of driving for you. she to was my motivation and the reason i was happy, she was all i had so when she dumped me i starting partying hard & drinking heavily and was going back to my old bad ways, decided to quit that and start skating again after a 5 year break. thankfully skating has saved my life and given me so much happiness and motivation. i think i would give my ex the cold shoulder, i'd make eye contact to make sure she saw me and look away

you need something like i have, which for me is skating, you need to find what makes you happy 
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