the thread about nothing...

Yeah, you mean like a PYP where everybody participates, right? Too many phonies and delusions of grandeur around here (luckily not in TAN for the most part, but general)
yeah thats usually in the TAY

people love to stroke their e-peens
we should do a MSPAINT WHAT YOU THINK THEY LOOK LIKE THREAD, that can't possibly have bad results

this would be epic..... you should start
I've posted pics. There's like 5 people who I wondered what they look like at some point. That idea is genius, do it
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I wanna know what NT really looks like. Some days I just :smh: reading posts on here.

Yeah, you mean like a PYP where everybody participates, right? Too many phonies and delusions of grandeur around here (luckily not in TAN for the most part, but general)

Yeah, I don't trust PYP's anymore. They just get out of hand. At least I know you're legit. I'd never post my pic on here tho. lol

^^ and I put nikki minaj in that lil' kim category :smh:
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i know this has probably been said numerous times, but this thread moves fast son! I was here last night at 2am and this thread jumped 4 pages since. DAMN:x
Last time i was in here i needed food options

Well i never went to eat then got absurdly drunk at the bar

I am in pain bros. real pain. So much pain i need food but cant get up to go get food
Serious question if you go raw in a girls bhole can u catch stds?

I know you can catch aids/hiv but wasnt sure about the rest
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