the thread about nothing...

she carried you :lol: next message woulda been "what about a text though? tryina give you that work ma."

Is that a dude? :lol: :lol:
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I've watched this movie twice and I get teary eyed by the end.
^ watch the related videos of this same series to waste time and/or scare you to sleep

since this was mentioned a while back in TAN
How the hell a car going in reverse gonna rear end a parked car?

Happened to me today while I was sitting in my truck...
I'm bored out of my ******g mind. Any suggestions?
sleep, youtube, movie, video games, learn something new, go to 7eleven, it's impossible to be bored in the world 
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weird how spanking my monkey gives me energy but after i'm done having sex i just want to sleep
i tried fapping one time bc i was bored at night and wanted to sleep, i ended up making a sandwich and watched "pearl harbor"
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