the thread about nothing...


Did you guys know the continents & most of their global internet communication cables are laid down on the ocean floor? I just learned this earlier today :wow: . I thought telecommunications were all satellite connected but about 97% of it is laid down on the seabed wrapped in Kevlar so sharks & other fish don't bite through it. It's called submarine communications cable. They first started laying down these cables in the 1850's although back then it was for telegraph tech & not global internet traffic like it is today.

Bout to look up flight prices to Canada. Always wanted to go

Maaan Banff, in Alberta was super dope. Life changing. Canmore, is close by. Lake Louis close. Calgary is like an hour drive away you can go to a Flames game. Just tons and tons of things to do.

They have a beer festival in November that’s super chill. They were doing chainsaw ice sculptures at the entrance when I went. Took shots with Canadian biddies like this.

Canada def a Bucketlist destination you gotta check off the list
Did you guys know the continents & most of their global internet communication cables are laid down on the ocean floor? I just learned this earlier today :wow: . I thought telecommunications were all satellite connected but about 97% of it is laid down on the seabed wrapped in Kevlar so sharks & other fish don't bite through it. It's called submarine communications cable. They first started laying down these cables in the 1850's although back then it was for telegraph tech & not global internet traffic like it is today.

Yup. I was shocked when it was mentioned to me in my fiber optic class.
I dont understand why people get Starbuck's food...or anything really. The have the audacity to the frozen food out of the plastic and put it in the microwave right in front of you.

all their breakfast sandwiches are pretty good imo tho, the cheddar bacon one is my favorite.

sausage egg mcmuffin still undefeated tho.
Maaan Banff, in Alberta was super dope. Life changing. Canmore, is close by. Lake Louis close. Calgary is like an hour drive away you can go to a Flames game. Just tons and tons of things to do.

They have a beer festival in November that’s super chill. They were doing chainsaw ice sculptures at the entrance when I went. Took shots with Canadian biddies like this.

Canada def a Bucketlist destination you gotta check off the list
Banff is on my bucketlist. I would still prefer Iceland though. who knows, We might consider moving up north to Calgary. although Ontario seems much more fun.
true.. also the Kennedys
Oh yes, def the Kennedys as well. They seemed to have tragedy after tragedy happen to them. Although Ted Kennedy can go rot in hell for killing that innocent young polotical aide back in '69.

It's known as the Chappaquiddick Incident. Basically he was drunk & drove off a bridge after "taking a wrong turn" & managed to get himself out of the car & left her behind. She eventually died & this idiot waited 10 whole hours before contacting police for help. He got off pretty much scot-free, smh. So yeah, F him.

Yup. I was shocked when it was mentioned to me in my fiber optic class.
Same here. I'm subscribed to this trivia thing & yesterday's trivia was 20 facts about the world's ocean's. When I read about the cables my mind was blown away! I mean, this has to to be one of mankind's biggest accomplishments & so few know about it. And the fact that it all started back in 1840's is insane! Very interesting & cool to know that's how it's done.
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