the thread about nothing...

I love my landlord :lol:
My nutjob neighbor called my landlord again to scream at him through the phone for over 10 minutes. My landlord told me that when he found out what it was about, he just laughed and left his phone on the table while he continued work. The neighbor was literally yelling at the clouds for about 10-15 minutes, this dude needs to be put in a psychiatric hold.

The argument was about a dispute from a while ago, which also included the neighbor screaming at my landlord on a phonecall.
The nutjob's complaint was that from one of his upstairs rooms, he could see a tiny patch of weeds on my landlord's property and this was "ruining his view" so he screamed at my landlord to remove it immediately.
Behind the home I rent, my landlord has some additional property where he farms etc, which he accesses through my driveway. I've seen the weeds the neighbor was complaining about and I'd say it's barely a square meter.

My landlord likewise has no interest in getting bullied around by a complete nutjob so in that first phonecall he also laughed at him, then proceeded to deliberately never take care of that patch of weeds.
He doesn't let them spread beyond the initial patch, but those weeds haven't been touched since the call a few months ago.

To sum it up:
The neighbor complained about a square meter of weeds on my landlord's property behind the house I rent, which is only visible from a specific window in my neighbor's home upstairs.
The very first time the neighbor brought this up, he didn't just raise his voice on the phone but screamed at my landlord, who has zero obligation to adhere to that demand.
My neighbor then deliberately never took care of that patch of weeds, aside from not letting them spread further, and a few days ago my neighbor called again to scream on the phone.
Rather than actually listening this time, my landlord just left his phone nearby and continued work while the neighbor kept screaming into the void for about 10 minutes.
Man ever since covid, time and life has been feeling like it’s FLYING by. It terrifies me to think random years like 2018, sound so recent but was half a decade ago. Hell even, the pandemic being a whole 4 year college tenure ago is nuts.I can’t even recall specific things that happened in 2021 off the top of my head… the years just feel like they blend in together
I really hate it when Apple Music decides the mix is over. I set up infinity play/autoplay for a reason, sir.
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