the thread about nothing...

I know a guy who used to upload his game play on YouTube even tho no one watched. Ended up quitting. Started uploading other ppls content and quit that too. I wonder how many give up too soon or are early quitters?
I know a guy who used to upload his game play on YouTube even tho no one watched. Ended up quitting. Started uploading other ppls content and quit that too. I wonder how many give up too soon or are early quitters?
Probably a lot. I know and interact with a lot of streamers, some of whom I've known since they first started. It can take a very long time until reaching somewhat of a success. I feel like a lot of people get discouraged by barely getting a handful of viewers initially.
I think people also tend to misjudge how hard it is to become a streamer, you can't just upload gameplay and hope for the best. You gotta have some trait that sets you apart.
Probably a lot. I know and interact with a lot of streamers, some of whom I've known since they first started. It can take a very long time until reaching somewhat of a success. I feel like a lot of people get discouraged by barely getting a handful of viewers initially.
I think people also tend to misjudge how hard it is to become a streamer, you can't just upload gameplay and hope for the best. You gotta have some trait that sets you apart.
agree. got friends of mine thought the same. started out and fizzled out. if your only source of motivation is for monetary reasons, you are doomed to fail. a lot of successful streamers started out because they just have it in them, love to do it and invest a lot of time doing and learning. the monetary aspect of it only comes as an unpredictable outcome. for us guys, it is a lot more trickier. you have to be really entertaining,, good-looking to get viewers. for the women it's a bit easier, even the untalented ones get a lot of views by using their partially hidden assets or exposed ones.

Makes me wonder: what if all cars were inflatable. A more sophisticated version of this. There would be zero fatalities. No parking issues, just deflate your car and go on your way.
People really be annoying out here thinking that all jobs are 9-5 with clocking in and out and that you can't make 6 figures or more working a job and not owning your own business. I guess they've never heard of having a career... I appreciate my guaranteed 6 figure income without having to work ridiculous hours day and night and on weekends. Oh, and the freedom to travel anytime and work from anywhere :lol:

Emotional support dogs, service dogs, etc. We really wildin in this country. I’m all for pets but bringing them into offices, cars, etc is a hassle for everyone else. I dont blame the pet owners really it’s just kinda silly of us to think that living in a concrete city and having pets makes any sort of good sense in the modern world.

People really be annoying out here thinking that all jobs are 9-5 with clocking in and out and that you can't make 6 figures or more working a job and not owning your own business. I guess they've never heard of having a career... I appreciate my guaranteed 6 figure income without having to work ridiculous hours day and night and on weekends. Oh, and the freedom to travel anytime and work from anywhere :lol:

You know most of it just self delusional bravado to take away the sharp edge of reality. These same people want to change the world but can’t make their bed in the morning.
People really be annoying out here thinking that all jobs are 9-5 with clocking in and out and that you can't make 6 figures or more working a job and not owning your own business. I guess they've never heard of having a career... I appreciate my guaranteed 6 figure income without having to work ridiculous hours day and night and on weekends. Oh, and the freedom to travel anytime and work from anywhere :lol:
to each his own. the most important thing is that you don't hate your job. I always believe all jobs are essential eventhough the pay doesn't dictate their importance.
to each his own. the most important thing is that you don't hate your job. I always believe all jobs are essential eventhough the pay doesn't dictate their importance.
Oh, I agree. I just hate the narrative that if you have a regular, that you are clocking in and out and possibly struggling financially if you don't own a business. My point is that you can be successful working a job and every job isn't "slave work."
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