the thread about nothing...

A legal jump stop with a legal step equals 3 steps. I just don't care anymore.

think of it as a jump stop, then a pivot step. Legal. Although, A lot of times the player will jump stop and take a gather step/shuffle and get away with it because it’s hard to see the take off foot at game speed.
think of it as a jump stop, then a pivot step. Legal. Although, A lot of times the player will jump stop and take a gather step/shuffle and get away with it because it’s hard to see the take off foot at game speed.
easily called travel.
easily called travel.

In this vid, it should have been called a travel. Had he just did the step through with either foot after the “Jump stop” it would have been legal. But he did a jump stop, stepped through with the right, then moved his pivot left foot and jumped.

Should have been called but it’s NOT an easy call at game speed which is why they might have missed it? Easy call on video replay.
What if it's a jump stop off of and landing on one foot?

If that's 1 step to you, what's the gained advantage by doing it on 2 feet?

Outside of balance, I dont see one.
What you just described is the Cha Cha slide.
I just don't care about basketball anymore.
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