the thread about nothing...

He’s telling you the truth. I’ve got family that say it’s now common practice for the townspeople to close up all the doors, windows and all activities once it gets dark. The streets are silent/lonely with only the cartel members driving around looking to pick up anyone wandering around. They’ll kidnap and call the family later asking for ransom money. Sad times over there :smh:
It's too bad, because they're in an advantageous situation.

1. They're the middle-man between the US and the rest of Latin America, that's tons of potential business opportunities.
2. There's a **** load of natural resources in Mexico.
3. Tourism ranging from resorts, historical sites, cosmopolitans, cultural events, sporting events, etc.
4. Potential manufacturing hub for neighboring country could be greatly expanded in the future since they have population numbers and industry to grow exponentially.

I had an econ professor that predicted Mexico to be a big player on the world stage in the next 20-30 years. Unfortunately the US/Mexican drug world is stymieing growth for the time being.
It's too bad, because they're in an advantageous situation.
So much potential going to waste and it’s sad. The country and their decent hardworking people deserve better.

I don’t see the situation changing now that the major cartels have broken off into so many factions and are each fighting over control. It’s getting worse as the years pass.
A lot of times I can tell when someone wears glasses when they don't have them on. I can't describe it, but that's something in the triangle area of their nose and eyes that gives it away.
So much potential going to waste and it’s sad. The country and their decent hardworking people deserve better.

I don’t see the situation changing now that the major cartels have broken off into so many factions and are each fighting over control. It’s getting worse as the years pass.
Yeah, it's ******* crazy how much of a foothold they have in that country. My highest respect goes to anyone that's fighting back against them(reporters, politicians, law enforcement, soldiers, citizens, etc.), they're braves as hell.
I never understand how people could have the courage to try to change things as politics in some dangerous countries, or even to be cops and have to face criminals all day everyday. I wouldn't be able to do this. I hate when I have to tell people what to do or when people tell me what I have to do. It's kind of courageous to try to assume some authority, even on some who don't respect it...
Because if it was only with people respecting it, why not ? :rofl:

I wonder how they get the pass
And I don't know if it's true, because sea could be a good way to import or export some products...
Or maybe if true Marines' families do not live there. Because sometimes, like for some Africans living in other continents, some other Africans have an authority on them because of their family which does live in Africa. Sometimes people can't do what they want not because they couldn't face it themselves, but they think about consequences on their family...
Agreed. However, they’re super uncomfortable. Damn near Chuck Taylor status for me. Got me almost tapping out before the day is even over :lol: :blush:
I am 100 % agree with you, those two ones are a pain for my feet. I have 3 pairs, two regular ones with one in leather, and the third one is the best as it's some kind of winter one, so with a bigger sole and cushioning
Once you have worn Huarache, Air Max 95 or 98 it's hard to wear this kind of shoes :rofl:
95 is great for cushioning and holding your feet, I love TN but while running on some cobblestones, and even if I wear my laces tighted, I feared to break my ankles, it couldn't exist with a 95 tight laced.
My Converse are stylish but that's all, last time I have worn a shoe that bad as cushioning is concerned, it was as a teenager, but that was a pair of Everlast, shoes for boxing, so it could give an idea how bad cushioning could be on some shoes supposed to be created for the outside :rofl:

I like 3's for daily errands and walking the dog. It's like wearing fuzzy slippers 😄
3's look great, never had, never will, I'm done with J's

I’ve never worn a pair of Chucks. For some reason I’ve always thought they’d make my feet look bigger than they are.
That's true, it makes feet look bigger, this and the lack of comfort prevent me to buy another pair one day. But they do look good though.
That Urkel pack
All Impossible Mission or James Bond's movies, everyone would have been dead if heroes were using my USB key to transfer data, it takes days for transferring old files...
It remembers me Taxi Phones where we went for the Internet, I hated to go there, PC and everything was quite ######

I don't know how people have the patience to develop video games, even without scripting but with something more visual, it's not simple at all, I tried few weeks ago on some program used to create custom maps for GoldenEye, I didn't even make a room I had to give up, it's not for everyone at all...You got to have a certain logic or you would experiment difficulties...
So I just copped a pair of cammo joggers. I didn’t get them specifically to wear on vacation, just to wear whenever but yeah I probably would brought them with me. Then I randomly see this online

I had no idea. Almost had the parliament on me
I don't know if the link would work here

A woman with a rifle refusing to throw her weapon, and in my country police can not just shoot her, they got to do their best to keep her alive : I hate that part :rofl:
I wish Justice would bring more support to both victims of police and to police


" "Stalincrack": a new rape between drug addicts shakes the XIXth arrondissement of Paris
A week after a first rape in the middle of the street, filmed by residents of Place Stalingrad (19th arrondissement), a new rape involving three drug addicts took place on the night of Wednesday 26 to Thursday 27 May. "

I can't understand this world in which you can be killed for no reason while you could get alive doing the worst, no justice at all, and it would never change...
If I have been someone not only important but more than that I would have restored death sentences at least for recognized rapists and pedo
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There's a few spots that still sell them here. Do you guys have a "5 below" store? They always have them at the impulse buy candy section near checkout.
There’s a spot down here called Academy, it’s a sports store and they sell it. I think D***’s sells it
I don't know if the link would work here

A woman with a rifle refusing to throw her weapon, and in my country police can not just shoot her, they got to do their best to keep her alive : I hate that part :rofl:
I wish Justice would bring more support to both victims of police and to police


" "Stalincrack": a new rape between drug addicts shakes the XIXth arrondissement of Paris
A week after a first rape in the middle of the street, filmed by residents of Place Stalingrad (19th arrondissement), a new rape involving three drug addicts took place on the night of Wednesday 26 to Thursday 27 May. "

I can't understand this world in which you can be killed for no reason while you could get alive doing the worst, no justice at all, and it would never change...
If I have been someone not only important but more than that I would have restored death sentences at least for recognized rapists and pedo

That's very interesting...that they do their best to keep the suspect alive even while the suspect is brandishing a firearm or weapon 🤔. If that were NYPD- BAM BAM baby 💥💤. If I were a cop & the suspect has a rifle idk I might shoot to kill too in all honesty. Kill or get killed scenario
Good news, after some reasearches GTA San Andreas Stories exist BUT as a mod, so nothing official or professional like the 2 other City Stories, but still.
I can't post details here as I think it's not encouraged as it's a mod, but with Google, easy to find. It appears mod community is with no surprise very important for GTA SA.
This and GoldenEye still have lovers :smokin
I have GTA V but I feel lazy about playing it again, I don't remember the storyline as "great" or anything near...

EDIT : And in the mode you play as...Brian !
That's very interesting...that they do their best to keep the suspect alive even while the suspect is brandishing a firearm or weapon 🤔. If that were NYPD- BAM BAM baby 💥💤. If I were a cop & the suspect has a rifle idk I might shoot to kill too in all honesty. Kill or get killed scenario
Yes I am agree with you. But we're in France. So when a cop kills someone, even if it's this type of case they have to justify. That's great when it comes to racism. But sometimes I don't know why Justice don't bring more support to them. Plus Justice people are in offices while police get murdered every day, friday a police woman have been stabbed, she's alive, but still...And police isn't respected in my country. People know they can't do what they want, so they play with this. But when police respond, they complain...It's not fair at all. So when police does it wrong, people are prompt to cry about it, but on the other hand when they just doing their job, people don't support them. It's like another problem in my country : they're not very frank about something, they don't are about facts but they are about how facts could serve their way of thinking. From both side, which means white racists will focus on murders or things like that by Blacks or Maghrebians, and white well-meaning who hate racists will focus only on murders by Whites. It's a total nonsense. Plus a lot of people against death sentence. I'm more basic. No matter your color, if you murder someone with no valuable reason, death sentence. No matter you're crazy or not, I don't care. If you murder someone to save your life or to get revenge of a child molestor or something you're free. That's all. With me it would be real quick, no feelings, only facts :rofl:
Got some of Ascend's "South Beach" which is supposed to be Cookie's Ocean Beach. Mighty tasty.

Wanna grab some of the McGloven which is supposed to be the GP.
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