the thread about nothing...

I realized it was him a couple days ago

His similar username and posting his latest Marshall’s/Ross pick ups gave him away. Anyway, you missed that diabetic themed insult he threw at me. He’s done it in the past so I wasn’t surprised he took it there.

if we are being honest, that's like 80% of them lol
Aww man, that’s kinda mean :lol:
Think about how we’d look if we weren’t allowed haircuts and beard trims. 70’s all over again, lol.
His similar username and posting his latest Marshall’s/Ross pick ups gave him away. Anyway, you missed that diabetic themed insult he threw at me. He’s done it in the past so I wasn’t surprised he took it there.

Aww man, that’s kinda mean :lol:
Think about how we’d look if we weren’t allowed haircuts and beard trims. 70’s all over again, lol.
Wow he dissed you... for what?
Aww man, that’s kinda mean :lol:
Think about how we’d look if we weren’t allowed haircuts and beard trims. 70’s all over again, lol.
I went more than a year without a haircut or beard trim. Once I cut my hair and chopped off the beard I was pretty confused why I went that long without doing it lol. I realized at some point it became less about growing a long beard and having long hair and more about a competition with myself to see how long I can go. I look a lot less interesting now but a whole lot better :lol:
Wow he dissed you... for what?
Simply because I mentioned that some members are allowed back after being banned but that they’re required to be on their best behavior. Didn’t take long for his insult and delusion of grandeur. Funny thing is I was cool with that dude back then, I’m sure you recall those times. At least we still got you, Freaky.

I went more than a year without a haircut or beard trim. Once I cut my hair and chopped off the beard I was pretty confused why I went that long without doing it lol. I realized at some point it became less about growing a long beard and having long hair and more about a competition with myself to see how long I can go. I look a lot less interesting now but a whole lot better :lol:

Good lord....over a year? No joke, I just gave my bro a haircut tonight. I made a few mistakes but nothing a week or two of growth can’t cover up.

The most I’ve gone was 6 months and that was awful what with all the hat wearing going on. Shaving is a must but I’m just now okay with the mustache/goatee look.
If u could add, change, or remove one rule in NFL, what would it be and why

In overtime, if the team that won the coin toss scores a touchdown and extra point then the other team should also be allowed to match it. If the 2nd team cant match the score game over.

^Those rules apply to 3-point field goals but not touchdowns.

Since the above rules dont apply for touchdowns then whoever wins the overtime "coin toss" has the full advantage.
I went more than a year without a haircut or beard trim. Once I cut my hair and chopped off the beard I was pretty confused why I went that long without doing it lol. I realized at some point it became less about growing a long beard and having long hair and more about a competition with myself to see how long I can go. I look a lot less interesting now but a whole lot better :lol:
I would save so much money if I did this..
I stop running because it wasn’t burning enough calories.

Discovered stair master 30 mins of it - 550 calories easy

were you getting any hills in during your runs or mixing up the pace? if you can get in some hill sprints or speed up your pace for shorter runs, you can get that anaerobic workout which leads to more post workout calorie burns

i love/hate the stairmaster but right now since gyms are closed, i’m running outdoors more than anything
Simply because I mentioned that some members are allowed back after being banned but that they’re required to be on their best behavior. Didn’t take long for his insult and delusion of grandeur. Funny thing is I was cool with that dude back then, I’m sure you recall those times. At least we still got you, Freaky.

What a jerk...I guess marikomorose marikomorose was right about him.
What a jerk...I guess marikomorose marikomorose was right about him.
What did he say? I only remember you going back n’ forth with him with his Life Path number in question :lol:

I’ve watched a lot of barber videos on YouTube, so I think I can give a pretty good cut :lol:
It really helps! I need to freshen up my cut already since it’s already getting shaggy from the sides.
What did he say? I only remember you going back n’ forth with him with his Life Path number in question :lol:

It really helps! I need to freshen up my cut already since it’s already getting shaggy from the sides.
It wasn't really personal between me and him, it was just fun and games as far as I knew.

Supposedly he kept harassing marikomorose marikomorose by constantly posting his pics in various threads and one thing lead to another. Situation escalated leading to his ban. I didn't see everything but that is probably the gist of it.
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Good lord....over a year? No joke, I just gave my bro a haircut tonight. I made a few mistakes but nothing a week or two of growth can’t cover up.
I used to cut hair back in the day and cut my hair a few times again during quarantine including the first cut after a year of growth. It takes a while to get used to cutting. Here's that first cut in may after 1+ years. Chopped off the beard later in early October.
It wasn't really personal between me and him, it was just fun and games as far as I knew.
I’m sure it was at first but I remember him getting touchy about it as time went on. I tried to mellow out the situation by repping both his and your posts but I see he took insult anyway.

He probably had some disagreement with Mariko. Who knows why but I’m sure Mariko will explain once he comes back.

I used to cut hair back in the day and cut my hair a few times again during quarantine including the first cut after a year of growth. It takes a while to get used to cutting. Here's that first cut in may after 1+ years. Chopped off the beard later in early October.
It turned out nice, dude :emoji_thumbsup:
You’re not lying when you say it takes some getting used to. I haven’t cut my bro’s hair in 3 months so I was a bit nervous while doing it. I only messed up once and even then it’s easily fixed since it was on side where it will grow back the fastest.
I’m sure it was at first but I remember him getting touchy about it as time went on. I tried to mellow out the situation by repping both his and your posts but I see he took insult anyway.

He probably had some disagreement with Mariko. Who knows why but I’m sure Mariko will explain once he comes back.

Nah, this isn’t needed.
Nah man, don’t go overboard with that stuff :lol: . I know you’re joking but please be mindful to not eat that too often. Those are problems you don’t want, trust me fam.

you right, you right. i've been doing pretty decent about cooking at home during the pandemic and limiting ordering out to like twice a week but damn fried chicken is my weakness. between the taquerias, krispy krunchy chicken, and KFC all within walking distance.. any time i do get take out, it ends up being hella heavy
you right, you right. i've been doing pretty decent about cooking at home during the pandemic and limiting ordering out to like twice a week but damn fried chicken is my weakness. between the taquerias, krispy krunchy chicken, and KFC all within walking distance.. any time i do get take out, it ends up being hella heavy
I applaud you for your effort and dedication (in all seriousness). You are much stronger than I am after seeing what you have nearby. Fried chicken is also a weakness of mine and the only thing that keeps me in check are the sobering numbers of my blood sugar after a simple plate. That **** is flat out cruel.
keep up the good work though and don’t forget to mix in some running throughout the week :emoji_thumbsup:

I don’t need trolls explaining anything
Oh! Okay :lol:
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