the thread about nothing...

Belgium Belgium Yall got credit scores over there? It is so tied to one's identity like it is over here?
That's one area I have only very limited knowledge of but as far as I understand we don't have a rigorous system like that.
Lenders are required to conduct a 'credit analysis' based on a central national database but there's no real score or anything attached to it. Credit analysis is also just one of a variety of factors they look at since a lot of people never use credit cards.

What lenders look at first and foremost is your current income and financial situation, your spending and debts, and your job and home situation.
In many cases, particularly with younger people, the credit analysis is more of an afterthought. I have virtually no credit history for example and as my bank told me when I inquired, I would have zero issues getting a substantial loan for a home with favorable terms. In my case it doesn't matter what my credit analysis shows because the bank would already grant such a loan based on other factors like my current finances, comparatively very low spending and no debt.

Judging by others' experiences, the credit analysis is a huge factor in lending to corporations but for individuals the lenders place far higher importance on current and prospective financial situations and spending.
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Is anyone having issues with mobile?

It keeps collapsing my keyboard every time I hit enter or backspace.

Only happening on this app. It's very annoying because I just end up opening up random ads when the keyboard collapse
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These are addicting

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