the thread about nothing...

Morning Tan
Won our soccer championship yesterday. Didn't plan to play (about 9 weeks post collarbone surgery) but got asked and couldn't say no...ended up playing 2/3 of the game. Went into double OT and we won 1-0. We are promoted to the first division now which is going to be real tough. But living in the moment and enjoying it for now
Drank way too much this weekend
Company parties >
Hangovers <
My companies party is actually on Thursday Lol
Not planning to come in on Friday
thee absolute worst. Taking a full day to recover because you feel like death. I’m at an age where I can’t afford to be wasting an entire day doing nothing.

unless I’m on vaca, then all’s fair game :lol:
Me and my boy came up with the perfect way to describe it:
When you drink alcohol, you're essentially borrowing energy/fun from the next day... which you will eventually have to pay back.
When you drink water, you're investing energy into the next day.
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