the thread about nothing...

They say you will marry some one just like your mother. I used to think that was BS. But the more i rationalize it the most sense it makes. Like admittedly my gf is dramatic a little over the top at times. But my mom raised me and she was pretty batS*** at times. My girl jokes like "you were made for me i don't know how you do it". I just want to quote bane "But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man"

I don't think i could be with some one who was like a bro. Like a girl who liked sports or wanted to like drink beers with me and my boys. TLDR: you do kinda end up with some one like your mother due to that being the foundation of your female knowledge.
They say you will marry some one just like your mother. I used to think that was BS. But the more i rationalize it the most sense it makes. Like admittedly my gf is dramatic a little over the top at times. But my mom raised me and she was pretty batS*** at times. My girl jokes like "you were made for me i don't know how you do it". I just want to quote bane "But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man"

I don't think i could be with some one who was like a bro. Like a girl who liked sports or wanted to like drink beers with me and my boys. TLDR: you do kinda end up with some one like your mother due to that being the foundation of your female knowledge. TAN invited to the wedding? :nerd:

Marriage is weird to me personally. I would like to get married, but realistically I don't think I ever will. I just don't see myself ever caring for another person that much.
Then again I've never been in a relationship so what do I know? :lol:
Girls who try to be one of the boys are annoying. I know one who makes facebook statuses about sports based on what her bf is saying to her. We all know she knows nothing TAN invited to the wedding? :nerd:

Marriage is weird to me personally. I would like to get married, but realistically I don't think I ever will. I just don't see myself ever caring for another person that much.
Then again I've never been in a relationship so what do I know? :lol:

There is something to this. One thing you learn is marriage is an agreement. It is an agreement between you and another person that you are doing this life thing forever together and you are going to help each other out. Marriage is romanticized way too much.

Find that girl that you can sit with and not say a word and be comfortable. The one that you know will raise your kids the right way. The one that you know will be there to bail you out not matter what the situation and always have your back. The one that isn't going to use your CC for a fendi purse and tell you about it later. This love/butterflies/big wedding nonsense is a falacy. My girl and i got each other and respect each other. We are both open minded and see major life decisions the same. But we both are realistic.
There is something to this. One thing you learn is marriage is an agreement. It is an agreement between you and another person that you are doing this life thing forever together and you are going to help each other out. Marriage is romanticized way too much.

Find that girl that you can sit with and not say a word and be comfortable. The one that you know will raise your kids the right way. The one that you know will be there to bail you out not matter what the situation and always have your back. The one that isn't going to use your CC for a fendi purse and tell you about it later. This love/butterflies/big wedding nonsense is a falacy. My girl and i got each other and respect each other. We are both open minded and see major life decisions the same. But we both are realistic.

That's real. This sums up how I see marriage pretty well.
Maybe one day I'll find that girl. If not, I'm fine with being the cool uncle to my sibling's kids :lol:
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