the thread about nothing...

So it's settled

Jem Wolfe is the official TANbae
Boost the official TANshoe
Balut the official TANfood

back in the days, TANshoe was roshe and TANfood was any grub life type of foot (grizzly was the king at that :lol:)

accountings light work. what kind is it? managerial? forensic?

basically just financial reporting. It's the first accounting class of the MBA program so it's rather basic since people have many different backgrounds. It's my first accounting class ever, but I understand the principles and studied economics so i'm good with numbers.



shorty needs to give thanks to me for introducing her to TAN and getting her followers up
i took a nap this afternoon and i had a dream i was having balut.

quite enjoyed that dream :pimp:

i had a dream once i was making an omelette and i cracked an egg and a lil bird fell into the pan.

woke up in cold sweats

you eat grown chicken, you eat egg but you don't eat baby chicken?

grow up
joint gotta be cooked with seasoning (not boiled like some NTers be doing), cant just eat the ting as is
I had a dream I won the lottery and I was in a penthouse suite counting new hundreds naked and one crisp hunnid fell and papercut the tip of my penis.

Only time I've woke up screaming.
you eat boiled chicken??

your credibility is shot

I was talking about balut. You boil the egg, it cooks the embryo at the same time. You open it up, add a bit of salt. Done.

Regular chicken boiled? That's some wild **** I have to agree.
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