the thread about nothing...

I'm tempted to eat here

what features?

oled screens have been on phones for a while now, iphone lovers would always say 'I don't need a screen that good, you can't even tell the difference on such a small device'. the facial unlock feature has been here for 7 years at least.

iphones cool but they're kinda behind, I bet if jobs was still alive we'd see some more impressive phones from apple
If anything id cop the 8..but not anytime soon

can't justify paying for new phone when the one I'm using currently is fine..and still has headphone jacks lol
they have no delete/edit turned on for our work slack

ive become one of the statistics internally that typed their password into a channel

now i have to learn my new password
when I was in high school, I tried out for the football team and wanted to be WR or RB. It was one of those hell week kind of tryouts where the coach runs everyone to death. well all the girls at school were watching and in the middle of a drill I had to stop to hurl. Never touched a football again and my cardio to this day is still horrendous even though I play a lot of basketball
rather disappointing day. Stenographer shorty wasnt the same sweetie, some ugly chinese broad. mad disheartening. i was salty. asked my lawyer where she went he looked at me and laughed said thats all you care about huh

oh ya and FTP
I finished that high school murder mystery book I posted about a couple days ago today..

Sheesh it was slightly disappointing.
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