the thread about nothing...

Just saw the most gorgeous girl ill ever see today. I got on the train and was flustered like a school girl around zack morris circa 1995.
Fambs she was so pretty it hurts. Strawberry blond hair, nice tan skin, just a little mascara, little baby brown eyes. Face similar to the hot french news reporter. I was praying shed get off my stop but she got off like 5 minutes after i got in.
To all you NTers out there doubting yourself when it comes to approaching females learn from your boy...
Id give my left nut up just to hear what her voice sounds like :frown:
Should of spit
My heart... its broken.

I know that feel bro :\
Dude, I don't even bother acting like I'm ok anymore. I straight walk around school/work all day looking like this

On weekends when I don't have class or work, I've gone an entire day without wearing clothes and just stayed in my apartment playing video games.

Today was the first day I ate more that 1000 calories of food (not including alc) in like 2 weeks :lol:

whoa there, you gotta take care of yourself man. it's corny but there are other fish in the sea.....
Off today!!!!! Dont really have anything planned though, but they just opened up one of these real close by!


might have to go try it

I had a horribly racist experience there on wing night at the one in Pittsburgh

Do you mind elaborating on that?

I showed up with a mixed group. 2 black guys, a Puerto Rican and 3 white guys. The hostess told us it would be a long wait since they were crowded, which was understandable. She then proceeded to seat the white guys 1st, and gave the rest of us a table in the back on the opposite side of the restaurant. By the time a waitress even came to speak to us, the white guys were 3 rounds of wings in, and several tables that were seated after us had already been served. The service was incredibly rude. The white guys who we came with were PISSED they treated us like that.

were they? why did y'all allow them to split y'll up if y'all came together and they couldn't have been too pissed if they were 3 rounds in. happened to me and group of mine at a waffle house, we all left when they tried to seat the 3 white girls and told us to wait.
MAn i know i shoulda opened my mouth at least. Just had to let yall know that sometimes she just passes you by, but other times you gotta grab life by the horns and take it where you want it to go. Probably reminding myself too.
guise, today in class i accidentally dropped my pencil and the girl sitting next to me bent over and picked it up for me. so its obvious she wants me to beat it up like she did something wrong but i want to make her my girl. im currently looking at some good spots in nyc to take her to on our first date but im not sure how i should ask her out. i figure I'd just buy her a lil $50-75 dollar gift and leave it on her desk with a note on top that'll have the address and time for the date. do you guise think this will work? ive never seen her before today and want to make a good impression so that she'll want to be my boyfriend and then marry me. thanks in advance for your help guise.
I'm all for fashion but I can't get with the dressing better thread. I just don't see most of the stuff being posted as my idea of dressing better.
There's only a few that frequently post fits and most of the stuff is turrible imo. Wj4, RFX, and a few other guys are always helpful though so I guess it's

i go there every now and then. they usually know about decent sales and show quality. and whoever said something about them picking outfits off the mannequin was right. a lot of the stuff looks like they're trying way too hard

There doesn’t seem to be any official listing of what schools have the most votes in the very exciting “Taylor Swift On Campus” contest, but according to tumblr, UCLA is in third place with 7,518 votes, UC Irvine is second with over 13,000, and the Horace Mann School For the Deaf in Boston is leading with 26,634. Even though they only have 128 students, none of whom actually entered.

Luckily the benevolent Anonymous stepped up last night and entered for them, instantly crushing all the real schools who want to win this for some inexplicable reason. In case it wasn’t clear, the “winner” gets to have taylor Swift come to their quad with her guitar and screech about boyfriends and facebook. What do they do to the losers, shoot them into the sun?
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There doesn’t seem to be any official listing of what schools have the most votes in the very exciting “Taylor Swift On Campus” contest, but according to tumblr, UCLA is in third place with 7,518 votes, UC Irvine is second with over 13,000, and the Horace Mann School For the Deaf in Boston is leading with 26,634. Even though they only have 128 students, none of whom actually entered.

Luckily the benevolent Anonymous stepped up last night and entered for them, instantly crushing all the real schools who want to win this for some inexplicable reason. In case it wasn’t clear, the “winner” gets to have taylor Swift come to their quad with her guitar and screech about boyfriends and facebook. What do they do to the losers, shoot them into the sun?

thats just bizarre, almost seems like a bad joke
The majority of the nice girls on on OKC. If you want quick yambs that from a 5-7 tops hop on POF
My heart... its broken.

I know that feel bro
Dude, I don't even bother acting like I'm ok anymore. I straight walk around school/work all day looking like this

On weekends when I don't have class or work, I've gone an entire day without wearing clothes and just stayed in my apartment playing video games.

Today was the first day I ate more that 1000 calories of food (not including alc) in like 2 weeks 
whoa there, you gotta take care of yourself man. it's corny but there are other fish in the sea.....
damn 1000 calories???

step up to the plate son
Listening to John Denver on this record player is doing things to me. Man had talent. :smh:

Gary Clark Jr. is finally coming out with an album on 10/23. Saw this guy live this year and he plays the guitar like he's possessed. No words.

Here's the album cover and a sampling of GCJ.

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From SLAM's interview with Beanie Sigel:

SLAM: Aside from the Sixers, are there any other teams or players who you mess with?

BS: Yeah, Slim Peasy.

SLAM: Who?

BS: That’s my nickname for Kevin Durant.

SLAM: Why do you call him that?

BS: Because his hair was peasy as **** when he came into the League. He was bony and he didn’t care and he’s unstoppable. That’s my favorite player right now: The Durantula. He got busy in the Olympics, he was killing them, just droppin’ threes. He had a point to prove, he thought was supposed to win the title. You got these young cats that are really coming in and balling, like him and Westbrook. What’s Jrue Holiday going to do against Westbrook? Nothing.

"Slim Peasy" :rofl: :rofl:
From SLAM's interview with Beanie Sigel:

SLAM: Aside from the Sixers, are there any other teams or players who you mess with?

BS: Yeah, Slim Peasy.

SLAM: Who?

BS: That’s my nickname for Kevin Durant.

SLAM: Why do you call him that?

BS: Because his hair was peasy as **** when he came into the League. He was bony and he didn’t care and he’s unstoppable. That’s my favorite player right now: The Durantula. He got busy in the Olympics, he was killing them, just droppin’ threes. He had a point to prove, he thought was supposed to win the title. You got these young cats that are really coming in and balling, like him and Westbrook. What’s Jrue Holiday going to do against Westbrook? Nothing.

"Slim Peasy" :rofl: :rofl:

Aint he report to prison soon? :lol:
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