the thread about nothing...

So is that immortal story true or all fictional?

it's all mythology and fable in the end. we don't have the original accounts of any of these stories, they've been changed countless times since the original works. there are chunks missing, there are edits, wrong translations.

I liken the story of Adam and Eve to the phrase "ignorance is bliss" and the themes of respecting authority and consequences for actions. it's a fable with different interpretations depending on the point you want to get across.

don't take the bible literally my dude.
Why would he do that?

Should have cussed him out too. No one should do that to you unless you smashed his wife or something
We were changing out a light fixture on a pole and I missed cutting off one breaker so he got a mild zap while wiring the fixture to the pole while standing up on the ladder. He cursed me out right when someone was stepping out of the house to leave and she heard every word

He got down off the ladder and said follow me to the breaker box unit then proceeded to cut the last switch off

Then he sized me up with a death stare and said you could have got me ******* killed you idiot and don't ever pull **** like that again you ******* got it

I'm standing there like [emoji]128563[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128542[/emoji]

Trying to settle down and play Xbox but my nerves rattled right now
Getting zapped was also on him. You never trust somebody to turn off a circuit for you. You make sure you lock it out yourself not just turn it off
Religion is all man made and it's quite obvious how every religion's savior manages to escape the birth canal and they seem to find a woman's cycle as a curse on humanity.

It's obvious that men with little education would find a natural cycle as disgusting and write it in religious text as such. If any was written by women, it'd be a different story all together.

Did no one like vagina? LoL
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I asked my girls lil bro if i could use his ipad to watch this fight, he gave it to me and i went to private browser,

This lil ***** had googled 'squirrel girl sucks spidermans ****'

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No religion threads on here are moving.

So if anyone wants to chime in I got a question.

I'm not religious at all. I was talking to a co worker who reads the bible but he's also very into conspiracies and stuff.

Basically, we started talking about Adam and Eve. I was under the assumption that they could not eat from the tree or w.e because the man upstairs said so. Then the snake/devil convinced them to.

Well, he goes on the say that the tree they ate from was the tree of "knowledge?" Essentially, the big man upstairs didn't want man to eat from the tree because he wanted us to stay stuck on stupid.

Now my questions is whether or not that's true or if it's just my co workers interpretation?

What's your guys interpretation?

He isn't wrong. He isn't right. It's in between.

Adam and Eve were good and simple. They weren't aware of much; you know like the nakedness. Imagine the simplest person in your life and how happy some of them are. Then the devil started tellling them how God was "hiding" things from them.

That "knowledge" or self awareness brought upon things like jealousy and shame. Things we never knew.

Basically we could have lived life like dogs. Naked, running around peeing on everything but Eve just had to get at that apple and be a smart ***. Now I'm working 60 hours a week to afford a roof, average car and some J's once a month. So thanks for that....
Basically we could have lived life like dogs. Naked, running around peeing on everything but Eve just had to get at that apple and be a smart ***. Now I'm working 60 hours a week to afford a roof, average car and some J's once a month. So thanks for that....
F'n eve man 
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