the thread about nothing...

The storm caught everyone off guard in the DMV

It was suppose to start Friday

A Camero lost control in front of me last night

Peep all the accidents

^^Honestly I hate states that have multiple interstates that run through them

As much as I hate this landfill of a state called Alabama
We have two main roads
We have
I-65 N & S
I-20 W & E 59 N & S (Combined)

Simple & Easy and not complicated & confusing
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i was tryna get some crabboss this weekend too :smh: :smh:

bout to go to costco 1st thing in the morning and stock up
Bruh the DMV was a mess yesterday and this morning. Took me 1.5 hours to get to work usually takes me 45. Last night the un treated roads were a damn ice rink. People just sliding off the road like it was air hockey
Mods don't want me to prosper in the general section at all :smh: :smh: HOW SWAY HOW?????? How did I get banned from TAY??? I don't even post reckless in there wth :smh: :smh: man this site is a joke on god
missing out b.

always on da hunt for a jav with a young lady stuck between an elevator or in a wall or some other contraption being taken advantage of instead of helped.

this young lady would be perfect for one

Bruh the DMV was a mess yesterday and this morning. Took me 1.5 hours to get to work usually takes me 45. Last night the un treated roads were a damn ice rink. People just sliding off the road like it was air hockey
Forreal homie... Only going to get worse. 
Do it! Traveling is such a learning experience.

Where are you planning to go?
I was originally planning to go to Brazil for the Rio games but probably gonna go to Japan and Hong Kong instead. Europe is still a possibility too.
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