the thread about nothing...

A female once told me I think I'm gods blessing on earth.....and real talk, I do feel like that. Confidence be on a million some times.
Tonight was not one of those tho.
College party made me feel HELLA OLD
Watched 'Get Hard'. Wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be based on the previews, but in 2015, these movies that rely on these dated stereotypes need to go. Dominique Perry (the chick twerkinh throughout the movie) is :pimp: :pimp: though
Yo anyone in here try o go vegan/vegetarian? I'm about to cut out meats from my diet for a month and was hoping for some tips.
couple cats in the DB thread be so hypersensative if they don't get nothing but praise on their daily fits.  I'm still trying to figure out why some them dudes roccing wingtips and made to order suits to their local community college class and Applebee's shift.  But what do I know 
you know a movie is bad when they remake it, dont even change the name, and just pretend the previous version never happened 
man i miss that show 

sony pressured aaron mcgruder to write too much material in too little time so he said **** it 
this year going by way too fast.

i feel old AF :smh:

recommend me some netflix movies and shows to watch while baby sleeps :nerd:
My manager who I bonded with to left today :frown:. She was the most down to earth manager at the place.
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