the thread about nothing...

Never smoked in my life and never done a drug in my life.
As far as drinks go
Going to a real college in the fall and was just wondering if i'd be an outcast bc I don't drink or smoke. Starting to get less invites from the homies bc I don't do either

Just curious, any reason why you don't do either?
College is the place and time for exploration. Don't rule it out yet.

I stopped drinking less than three months ago and my social life has definitely slowed down because of it. No more happy hours, my favorite bars are no longer appealing :frown:
And the looks and reactions I get when I say I don't drink :smh:
Just curious, any reason why you don't do either?
College is the place and time for exploration. Don't rule it out yet.

I stopped drinking less than three months ago and my social life has definitely slowed down because of it. No more happy hours, my favorite bars are no longer appealing :frown:
And the looks and reactions I get when I say I don't drink :smh:

I have hoop dreams. I just want to cut out these unnecessary distractions and spend majority of my time practicing. Yes, it' a pipe dream and I'm better off enjoying myself right now with all the other kids my age but walking on the school's squad is gonna feel a hella lot better than whatever I will feel while high/drunk. I have to try

Only reason I'm even asking this is bc my girl got me addicted to yambs but I dumped her a few weeks ago. Going to start hitting up girls at college n was just feeling kinda anxious bc I won't drink
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Just order a tonic water with a lime. 
You can still be social without drinking. 

Drunk people will believe whatever you tell them.
Just make sure your turn up is on a hunid! ya diggggg lol
Seen this drunk dude fall flat on his face and knock himself out. When they picked him up bloodin was spilling out his face hahaha
If you kill a bug or an animal are you a murderer?

What makes your life more valuable than theirs?

No, I'm not high
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Oh no!!!!! :wow: :lol: :rofl:
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