the thread about nothing...

How were you almost arrested, were you doing anything incriminating?

Nope... they thought we were drunk. Both passed. But dude wanted to arrest me if I didn't take the breathalyzer. Said I didn't pass his other test. Told him I can't walk straight because I've broken my ankle before. Which is true. Haha
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took me 2 hours to drive to work today. Jackknifed tractor trailer and like 4 car accident on 95, 295 shut down on one side, 32 left land closed, 50 has two right lanes closed.

Some times it just isn't worth it.
The fact im almost 30, just hit me properly. :x

you know you're still young when you pretend to feel old

that goes for just about all of us on nt

Repped. Real ****

"Ohh im twenty blankity blank, I feel so old.." is literally the scrpit of the young and nieve.

Everytime a 20 something says "I feel old", should be an automatic 5 days in the county.
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Repped. Real ****

"Ohh im twenty blankity blank, I feel so old.." is literally the scrpit of the young and nieve.

Everytime a 20 something says "I feel old", should be an automatic 5 days in the county.

I never said I felt old
My professor always got Mozart playing in the background of my big butt lecture hall.  Dope especially if you're 

My other professor always wants to 'meditate' in the beginning of class, and its the most awkward three minute silence ever.  I remember the first day, I was hungry and my stomach grumbling, I knew the whole class could hear it.
i swear i got the best brainstorming done when i took a couple of classical music classes in college. just listening to the stuff had me feeling creative. i always throw on the classical channel when in the whip since most regular radio stations suck ****. 
Kid Robbed the weed man.
Weed man called the police.
Police arrested dude on robbery charges and other **** related to it.
Weed man walks. Possibly got some money out the deal.
Good ****....Good ****, indeed.
i swear i got the best brainstorming done when i took a couple of classical music classes in college. just listening to the stuff had me feeling creative. i always throw on the classical channel when in the whip since most regular radio stations suck ****. 

i've read that it can temporary increase iq, particular mozart joints to be more specific

my father raised me listening to all that stuff (so is it true then ha ha)
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random nothingness from 1978....

birdman/batman michael keaton & late night legend david letterman both look kind of embarrased
ha ha

also - mary was milfy at this stage, dat mouf
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