the thread about nothing...

2nd to last final done. One more to go and Had to recover at the bar for a minute. Last one shouldn't be that bad.



I have three different secret santas coming up.. (2) $50 (1) $40 

- I have no idea what to put on my list only because you can't buy anything worth a damn.. 

Any suggestions would be helpful.
start shopping earlier 
So yesterday I get home and I see this girl I use to mess with there

She tells me she is moving in Saturday

Someone upstairs is tempting me man :lol:
Took a **** load if melotalin lastnight, i think i got in an argument with my girl, shes actin funny i dont really remember.
Took a **** load if melotalin lastnight, i think i got in an argument with my girl, shes actin funny i dont really remember.

Or maybe shes mad cuz you was effed up last night.

******* with them pills man, you may FEEL good, but you end up looking like an *** to everyone else.

Thats why I'll never do bars..
So disappointed in myself , I studied for 3 nights straight for this final .. I still feel like I'm gonna fail , might just drop out... this class is so frustrating .
Don't be negative man. You won't fail, we know it

I feel I'm being manipulated by my friends.

We were supposed to do a group activity, it was a project for a subject. So we didn't plan right away, since I watched the how-to video the professor sent us, and realised it was damn easy. We originally planned to buy one instead, but since we can't find one, I decided to follow what the video instructed. The next day I brought all the **** we would work on. Problem is, no one in the group has a clue on what we will do. I decided to do it on my own, with little help from them. When I finished it at home, I was disappointed, because it looked like we did a half-*** job. So I started over, and finished it on my own. 

I reminded them to pay me for the materials that I bought, since it's the only way that they could contribute. When it was time to present, I tried to charge them, but they told me to chill; they were going to pay after. After the presentation, one of them went home immediately, two of them left so they can get some fresh air, and one didn't attend because he had to do something important.

I feel like I'm a screwball for being with them

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