the thread about nothing...


At da beach
Why didn't you get the digits
I did

But it was strange.  She had her work phone and her personal phone and her personal phone was dead.  So she was like here take this number (her work number).  Then later in the night when she was leaving she was like wait which number do you have and i showed her and she was like take this one too.  So i have two numbers and i don't remember which is which.  At some point this week i will probably just text one of them and hope she responds 
.  But her living in NY means its not worth too much pursuit  


NBA Thread doing Old school TAN numbers

Lebron boosting the Cleveland economy, handing out fat contracts to lower level guys a increasing NT usage. Hmmmmm

People (mostly women) suddenly using sapiophile/sapiosexual when describing themselves is funny to me.
Moms is mad I won't help her sue my older brother...won't return calls. Semi...Ye shrugs for the pettiness.
Nothing super serious...but a white women is involved and moms def. not having none of that.

A few years ago, about 2005, mom signed for a car loan for my big brother, his name was on the car but her name was the primary on the loan....He promised mom that he would pay the car off...well that ***** didn't pay off his loan. Car gets repossed, goes on my moms credit. Well, moms can't get a car now, so she asked my brother (whose credit is pretty good) to co-sign for a car for her. Well, he recently go married and his wife said no...well his wife said no through him, mostly because she hates that her family is bad with money (I want to believe it was more, but thats just how some people are built) so she doesn't want to help anyone out, despite being helped out when she was younger.

Mom calls me the other day, asked if she has a claim, I tell her I can't, A) it's solicited legal advice B) I'm not license to practice yet C) it's a conflict of interest...pretty much, if I tell her "yes" or "no" and it comes out in court, on the record, I'll be disbarred before I'm even out of school. So now, she's angry.

It sucks being in law school, 1) you generally think differently than everyone else, people don't realize how much emotion plays into their "logic" it's very difficult for people to see the other side or understand there version of the story isn't the only or the truest version 2) people don't understand what the law can or can't do 3) you have the power to help people, but your hands are tied 4) everyone assumes you are a dbag...which you kind of are (see 1)

Long story short, Idk when the next time I'll talk to mom dukes is. I'll keep trying but IDK...I've literally never done anything shady to my mom, she's never taken out loans for me, I've never stolen a dollar from her, I've never yelled at her, I send her money when I can, I take care of my little brother when I can, when she lived close I made it a point to eat dinner with her at least twice a month, I used to go to church with her....I mean she can't tell me what to do, I'm a grown man, and despite what it may seem like, I wasn't a "perfect" son, but she doesn't think I have her back so she shuts me out.

I give her a pass though, while she was in Iraq, my step dad sent her a dear john letter, and I was about to beat the **** out of her twin brother, who was sent to stay with me in HS, but that ***** had to go and I was on my own for most of my junior year, paying minor bills and such. when she got back, she moved to Florida, my step dad stopped paying the mortgage on the house and moved a white women into their house (I was long gone by this point) ...she was at war and her home life was going to hell...she deserves a pass.
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