the thread about nothing...

me and this girl talk everyday :pimp:

shes interesting and funny but ima slow down and just not rush anything, shes young and i said on august 1st i was done chasing women but shes cool peoples :pimp:
Last night I went with a group of friends to see our friends band play at a bar.  My best friend and I always play a game where we try to make each other laugh at inappropriate times. I had to go take a piss and my friend happens to be in there doing the same thing. He sees me come in and I see a smirk go across his face.   This fool turned to the person right next to him before he flushes and says "that smelled exactly like bologna for some reason." 

When you on the bench for a looooong time the ischial nerve wich runs from the *** cheeks to the tip of you toes goes numb. So he had that dead leg
going (yes the same as the dead arm thing). Thats why he lost track of his leg. No ayo at all.
Are you speaking from experience, or is this more of an informed analysis?
Someone guess what race I am.


Someone guess what race I am.

Hmmm, screen name plus Jessica Alba..... you sir are hispanic

Or white, black, brown- something else (we all like Jessica Alba) :lol:

I think wht is black

Gutta is Hispanic

Gutta huh? definitely an african american...of the ratchet persuasion

Why everybody think I'm hispanic? Haha, ElPablo is right :smokin
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When you on the bench for a looooong time the ischial nerve wich runs from the *** cheeks to the tip of you toes goes numb. So he had that dead leg

going (yes the same as the dead arm thing). Thats why he lost track of his leg. No ayo at all.
Are you speaking from experience, or is this more of an informed analysis?

Happens to all of us. Its prolly the reason why he was trying to rub his knee.

Under the limit

repped :pimp: thanks my G

also question for my fellow thread about nothing'ers

how do i come across? i was having a conversation today with a female friend and she told me i come across very condescending and with attitude sometimes :lol: :smh:

esp you guys who frequent sports & training :lol: :nerd:

Under the limit

repped :pimp: thanks my G

also question for my fellow thread about nothing'ers

how do i come across? i was having a conversation today with a female friend and she told me i come across very condescending and with attitude sometimes :lol: :smh:

esp you guys who frequent sports & training :lol: :nerd:

Aww damn..... U shoulda tild her something with an attitude and be real condescending to her. seriously though you seem chill from all your thread about nothing posts

Bros im tired as **** I just wanna go home and sleep.
repped once again, thanks dude :lol: if they complain now they just hate the texans :stoneface:
spent the day thinking about time travel and wondering why movies dont ever address the fact that youd have to rob a bank once you get there because big faced bills didnt exist until 98, and most of our currency now looks fake compared to the bills of the 90's. Thatd make an incredibly boring scifi story. A guy travels into the past, but cant buy any OG jordans because his money is no good
repped :pimp: thanks my G
also question for my fellow thread about nothing'ers
how do i come across? i was having a conversation today with a female friend and she told me i come across very condescending and with attitude sometimes :lol: :smh:
esp you guys who frequent sports & training :lol: :nerd:

This female just a friend friend?

You're cool to me. There are some others who dwell in Sports & Training who come off as smug and just flat out know it all super ego pricks.

I had a Female NT'er tell me some years back sometimes I act childish in post. It mad me feel :smh: It was a MyT blow.
I know people already realize a lot of artists have to dumb down their stuff for it to get played, but it sucks hearing that directly from the artist themselves. It's just a reply from early this morning, but even Future was told exactly to "dumb down [my] music so it can be heard" :smh:. Like, damn, so that means Future is actually capable of being more than what he is??? Man
Yea just a friend friend, really nothing going on, i always like to keep a couple females around for some insider information :lol:
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