The Simpsons Tapped Out....!!!!

Valentines Day theme. It's just refreshing to have the snow gone. No level 26 yet though...



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DAMB!!!!! @ the price of that escalator and skyscraper!!!!!!

Glad to have the green back!
Went ahead and blew the 3 mill. Had 8.3. Was trying to save 12, then sell the house farm.

Good luck using the glitch right can only visit towns that have updated.

Maderaj90 and my other glitch guy - mount31, haven't installed the update.

And you can only get 1 heart from each town, not like the treats or coins where you could collect 3 per town...
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Got valentines sent to me already but games telling me none of my friends are updated. The hell... update people! Add me: deekdiggler8
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Now I can finally see all the stuff I bought the snow was getting old
But glad the new v day buildings aren't ridiculously priced
^that and don't buy no stupid *** funzo type of characters. got dumb *** funzo walking around instead of getting hella free donuts
who got the updated game? add me IndyStateOfMind . I need ya'll to send me valentine's day cards lol...
who got the updated game? add me IndyStateOfMind . I need ya'll to send me valentine's day cards lol...
I added you, but i get a message saying you haven't updated. I'm trying to send/receive those v-day cards! lol

Username: hectik_0105

I'm level 25 BTW
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