Just went through and put most if my collection into the collector apps. Most of the prices are a little off, but it's great for keeping track of what you have and don't have. I have 30% of the licensed US nes releases. I need to get back into hunting/buying...
Found a couple SNES items I picked up from garage sales that are about to get listed. Went through a stack of instruction manuals and found Chrono trigger. That's $40 for just the instructions. Also found Turrican 2 with the instruction manual.
Game sells for 80-160 and I seen a manual sell for 50. Right now, theirs only 1 manual listed for 150, so I should have no problem getting 50.
Going to sell those and buy some NES games.
Also had no idea that tecmo cup soccer was worth 40+, jimmy Connors tennis 30+, Mario's time machine 40+ and kickmaster 40+. Found a lot of games in my collection worth 20+ I had no idea about.
I also found out I'm missing at least 10 games that I know about. I'm sure it's more. Can't trust anybody these days.
I've had them all boxed up for a couple years and recently broke them out when I bought a house. I'm sure they were stolen before I packed them away.
Known missing titles are TMNT 2 the arcade game, Mike Tyson's PO, Double Dragon 2, Donkey Kong Jr, Castlevaina 3, Adventure Island, Back to the Future, Snakes revenge, Bad Dudes, Bart vs Radioactive man and I know I had either 1942 or 1943 and it's gone.
I don't have no where near the amount of traffic coming over than I did back then, so that **** won't happen again. I'm glad they didn't take any of the Megamans. I found all 6 between garage sales and pawn shops. Now a days though pawn shops suck for finding gems because they all get on ebay, check prices and then sell them online...
A couple weeks ago I seen a lady (probably 50 or so) post a bunch of stuff on one of those garage sale pages on FB. She had a boxed action set NES, a boxed SNES, 2 boxed N64s (a reg black and a watermelon) 2 boxed N64 controllers and 25 games total between them. I told her to forget meeting 10 different people that were commenting and sell it all to me. We met at $200. Ended up getting some good games too. Zelda 1 & 2, the gold versions, Mario kart 64, paper mario for 64 and some others. Great deal.
She also said she has a giant box of "tapes" somewhere and she'd get with me when she found them. Can't wait. (She kept calling the games, tapes)