The RETRO Gaming Thread!

My early N64 crisis has been resolved after I went to my local retro gaming store today for a troubleshoot..............


Jumper cartridge, my friends............always pull that son ***** out of the front of our N64 console every once in awhile and give it a good Q-Tip scrub.

(P.S. appreciate you reaching out to me krazy krazy , but I think I'm good now)
My N64 be on some bipolar ****.

After I posted that picture, it suddenly stopped working on my lil flat screen HDTV that you saw there.

However I went to my parents house later today and used their old CRTV (the old school fat tube tvs), and the N64 turns and plays with no picture issues at all.

Please don't tell me the MULTI-OUT AV COMPOSITE PORT is absolute garbage when connecting to HDTVs.
Just came back from two retro gaming stores to troubleshoot my N64 again for its bipolar ******** of not being able to display on my flat-screen TV properly.

So today I discovered that the N64 console is not compatible with most flat-screen HDTVs............yes, that includes the flat-screen tvs that do have the AV composite ports (the red, yellow, white holes on the side or back of your flat-screen tv). My N64 especially hates "generic Best Buy store-brand" HDTVs and Vizio-branded HDTVs :smh::emoji_unamused::emoji_rolling_eyes:

Sorry if I sound like a n00b to all of you guys that are already experienced in hooking your retro consoles up to HDTVs, but this is the first time I've been interested in resurrecting my original Nintendo 64 allow me

Great well......guess I gotta wait until I got enough paper to decide whether to get a new HDTV AND an AV-to-HDMI converter until I can use my Nintendo 64 ever again.
Great well......guess I gotta wait until I got enough paper to decide whether to get a new HDTV AND an AV-to-HDMI converter until I can use my Nintendo 64 ever again.

Go to a Goodwill / Salvation army and pick up a crt tv for $10. Better yet, drive around some neighborhoods on Sunday because people throw them out only for being outdated.
Go to a Goodwill / Salvation army and pick up a crt tv for $10. Better yet, drive around some neighborhoods on Sunday because people throw them out only for being outdated.

I thought about the CRT TV option (which is the best solution), but where I'm planning to put my N64 will not work out with a CRT TV in the mix.

I'm trying to put at least all of my gaming consoles into one section of my bedroom (don't have space for a personal mancave, so a corner of my small bedroom will do for now), and it's hard to do with my PC setup taking up the most space in my "gaming section."

There is a lot of stuff I have to manage first with my own gaming setup (considering upgrading my PC setup as well since my PC is about 6+ years old and isn't even good enough to play Destiny 2 on it) BEFORE getting my N64 to work in "my gaming corner" of my room, and a CRT TV doesn't give me enough room to execute my future gaming setup.
My early N64 crisis has been resolved after I went to my local retro gaming store today for a troubleshoot..............


Jumper cartridge, my friends............always pull that son ***** out of the front of our N64 console every once in awhile and give it a good Q-Tip scrub.

(P.S. appreciate you reaching out to me bigjny88 bigjny88 , but I think I'm good now)

Fasho bro, have fun with that ✌️. My best memories on the N64 were Ocarina of Time, Perfect Dark, No Mercy / Wrestlemania, Mario Party 2.

anyone on here not have an N64 and would like one to play? Shoot me a PM
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So I ended up returning the Hyperkin Retron 1 HD today. It worked fine for the first couple of days and then started to take longer and longer to start the games. My games are all taken apart and the pins are polished to new condition so I'm assuming it's the console that went bad. Anyway, it stopped working all together so gone it went.

I'm happy the store gave me my money back without hassle. Used the money to pick up some Nike Classic Tennis lows and Nike Cortez :lol:
So I ended up returning the Hyperkin Retron 1 HD today. It worked fine for the first couple of days and then started to take longer and longer to start the games. My games are all taken apart and the pins are polished to new condition so I'm assuming it's the console that went bad. Anyway, it stopped working all together so gone it went.

I'm happy the store gave me my money back without hassle. Used the money to pick up some Nike Classic Tennis lows and Nike Cortez :lol:

I was totally not down with Hyperkin's Retron line of consoles at first since I felt that you should always use the OG console with the particular retro game you are playing.

But after this whole fiasco that I'm experiencing now with my N64 and my LED flat screen, I wouldn't mind a Retron console that can play N64 cartridges along with cartridges from the NES/SNES/Genesis/etc. Although I heard Hyperkin has to wait for Nintendo's patent on N64 cartridges to clear before they can make a Retron console for it (which I heard would be as early as 2020.....smh).

I actually heard some good things about the Retron 5 from a couple of the retro gaming stores I went to, have you thought about getting a Retron 5?
I had the Retron 5, bought it on release and recently sold it.

I only used it like no more than 5 times a year.

- HDMI output
- filters
- save states
- the multiple system support

- the controller that came with it feels terribly made, not ergonomic at all
- controller support was a hit or miss, my NES pad didn't work.
- you usually need to do some configuration every time you use a different controller for different systems
- to power it on you have to hold the button down for at least 5 seconds. when I sold it, my buyer thought it didn't work and I had to tell him that
- not sure if it was only my system, but when it didn't detect a game and I still tried to start it, it deleted my save (the SRAM I believe) off my cartridge. got pretty far in Zelda oracle of seasons, haven't got back around to starting again. I wish there was a warning for this, but this can cause problems if you're letting friends play and they don't know about this bug. you can use a save state and bring your save back, but that's only if you knew to do that in the first place
- the cartridges are REALLY hard to pull out. this gets annoying if you want to switch between games, and you can't have more than one cartridge in at a time

in short, while it was great that I could have one system to play all of my cartridges, it wasn't worth the trouble to me. I simply want to put a cartridge in, turn it on and get to playing instead of going through a menu every time I turn it on

I think a RetroPI will do you MUCH better if you care about HDMI output and save states, it has all of that minus the hassle.
I feel like connecting old systems to HDTV's isn't worth the trouble at all

I would just get a CRT like people are saying
I feel like connecting old systems to HDTV's isn't worth the trouble at all

I would just get a CRT like people are saying

It's a matter of personal preference, I suppose. I don't have the room NOR DO I WANT to have two televisions taking up room for my entire gaming station to play ALL MY CONSOLES (old and new).

Granted I do agree with you, it is a little bit pricey to get old, retro systems to work on HDTVs..........especially if you want a higher quality picture, the cost is even higher (imported framemeisters, dear lord).

That being said, the one positive I got out of this experience is that AT LEAST MY NINTENDO 64 WORKS

That is all that matters to me at the end of the day, my old N64 is still workable and usable at normal capacity......unlike some others who literally need to pry open their entire console and clean out a bunch of dust mites and bugs to get their old N64s to work again.
I played the original Legend of Zelda for the first time ever.........via my newly acquired NES Classic.

Good lord, big ******* difference between this OG Zelda and Breath of the Wild.........and it reminded me why I steered clear of Zelda games in my early life. Compared to Breath of the Wild, OG Legend of Zelda is a challenge from the get-go (dodging enemy attacks is ***** in this one)
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