The Pick Up Artist VH1 can't be real...right?

Sep 13, 2008
So i'm sitting here, studying for this exam that I have tomorrow afternoon and I have the tv on as some background noise. I look up and see this face onthe screen schoolin some squares on how to night-cap a girl:

Is it possible? I know it's more about the gift of gab/swag to land a nine or a dime, but I mean you cant walk in to bar or where everlooking like that sportin some 1920's aviation goggles and still pull some pink at the end of the night I trippin? or can it be done

Side note: perfect time to post pick up lines/methods...any new additions to my playbook is appreciated (females aren't biting on my playaction anymore.time to consult the coaches)
i watched the first episode and i was like hold up soemthings not right about this picture, theres no way this (insert white person look alike) is baggin thesefelines......
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Apparently this guy is nuts, theres a book bout him
he wrote that book

Mystery Method

The Game is by someone else, but a good book as well or so I hear...haven't read it...have it though.
I guess he knows his stuff....but black girls don't have patience for stuff like that. It's cool tho, my chatterbox is good enough....nowhere the best,but I can talk my way into or out of some stuff.
T11Time wrote:
i watched the first episode and i was like hold up soemthings not right about this picture, theres no way this (insert white person look alike) is baggin these felines......

dude looks like a malnourished variant scott weiland
when you realize that girls dont care that much about looks and that its more about a guy's confidence and attitude ,you'll all do much better with women
dude dresses like that to stand out from the rest of the crowd. i think its called peacoking or something. anyone that hasnt read the game should. its a goodread. it doesnt really teach you how to be a pick-up artist but the lifestyle these dudes lived was crazy. well not really crazy but how easy it was for theseguys to bag females is amazing. and dudes on NT can talk about his looks all they want but at the end of the day these guys are the ones with the dimes. youknow you got game when you can steal a chick from scott baio.
The Game was written by Neil Strauss.. who was Mystery's student.

Its hard to believe but yes... Mystery is legit.
i dont get how all those piercings are suppose to help their game. the dudes they got on that show all got like some sort of piercing i was like what the %*+#
Originally Posted by thaSOLEful1

i dont get how all those piercings are suppose to help their game. the dudes they got on that show all got like some sort of piercing i was like what the %*+#

yea i was like the hell is goin on? their transformations were amazing nonetheless.
Originally Posted by T11Time

i watched the first episode and i was like hold up soemthings not right about this picture, theres no way this (insert white person look alike) is baggin these felines......

kinda questioned it...not hating
If you read the book, you notice they rarely to never mention how hot some of these broads are that they supposedly pull so easily, and it actually seems likethey prey on vulnerable and naive broads. Theres not really much science to that. Even in those youtube videos, the VH1 show, same thing there. If quantityover quality is your thing, then yeah he's the man, but its nothing earth shattering. If anything the basis of his supposed "game" is geared moretowards self-help than anything else, he's more like a Tony Robbins specifically geared towards dejected young dudes. Nothing wrong with that, thats greatactually that he can do that by focusing on the main thing that hits home with us men...tail. But his game is gimmicky, and no quality piece will take thatdude seriously, but hey, alot of guys dont need to be into quality and thats just fine.
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

I guess he knows his stuff....but black girls don't have patience for stuff like that. It's cool tho, my chatterbox is good enough....nowhere the best, but I can talk my way into or out of some stuff.
Neither do girls with brains. These pickup artists play a psychological game with women who are easy to seduce. Yeah, a lot are hot, but it'snot like they employ some Jedi mind trick. I know plenty of girls who are hot as hell and they'd never ever touch some guy like that. It's theguy's confidence overwhelming a girl's lack of it.
Mystery's legit.

It's funny, once you know about the method, you'll begin noticing everybody using them when you go out.

I was on a cruise last month, every dude on that boat hit up a female with some mystery material. Now that it's on tv, girls pick up on it too.
Why not just use the Walt Disney method of selling girls dreams, banging them, and then letting them know in the morning that they been ZAPPED!!!
Originally Posted by chisoxdavid

Why not just use the Walt Disney method of selling girls dreams, banging them, and then letting them know in the morning that they been ZAPPED!!!

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by thaSOLEful1

i dont get how all those piercings are suppose to help their game. the dudes they got on that show all got like some sort of piercing i was like what the %*+#

yea i was like the hell is goin on? their transformations were amazing nonetheless.
Haha, that's why I got it...well not really. But supposedly it makes a good conversation piece and can open a "set"
i read "the game". awesome book and i don't mean getting tips on pick up lines. just a good read/story.
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