The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Sony hasn't released the list of compatible SSDs yet have they?

I don't think so but the samsung nve ssd sticks are hella expensive at like $249 for 1TB. It's going to take like a year or 2 before prices drop and are resonable.

A friend and I got to discussing controller latency. He said he never unplugged his because he thought the wired connection would provide less latency, but I always thought there was no difference because the Bluetooth connection always over-rode it.

Turns out we were both a bit right and a bit wrong; I did not know about this.

If you own a newer PS4 DS4 controller (CUH-ZCT2), for best result set it on USB connection instead of Bluetooth. Settings > Devices > Controllers > Communication Method
Your friend is probably feeling more Consistency with his inputs being registered over USB rather than using Bluetooth.
Some say Bluetooth is faster because of the polling rate (1000hz Bluetooth vs 250hz wired)
Before Sony added this feature Bluetooth connection always over-rode the USB connection when it was plugged in.
console gaming should have been completely digital with the introduction of the pro and one x. no valid reason for physical games anymore besides being collectible.

Eventually everything will be in the cloud and stream, but I dont think it's for this generation of consoles. I honestly, ALOT of us just prefer physical media *kanye shrug*
Main reason I dont go all digital is I know one day you're gonna get hacked or the system will get hacked or crash and you're gonna lose everything.

I know this day is coming. It gonna set a lot of ppl back and the industry.
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Main reason I dont go all digital is I know one day you're gonna get hacked or the syste will get hacked or crash and you're gonna lose everything.

I know this day is coming. It gonna set a lot of ppl back and the industry.

Hasn’t happened to steam. you can get hacked playing digital or disc. If your account gets hacked contact Sony and besides Games are tied to your account. Can’t lose them if you paid for it. just re download them.
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No everywhere in the world has great internet. These patches already hurting my cousins back home in Lucia, add full game downloads to that and it would be an even worst hell for them.
what's a few extra hours when your helping the environment.

have yet to hear one good argument for disc going forward
Main reason I dont go all digital is I know one day you're gonna get hacked or the syste will get hacked or crash and you're gonna lose everything.

I know this day is coming. It gonna set a lot of ppl back and the industry.
Did people who have digital games during the PSN outage get affected?
I haven’t bought a physical game in forever but I recognize that you can sell one when you’re done. Kijiji, trade in whatever.. even if it’s 15-20$ still you come out with something. I guess no taxes on digital can make up.. I dunno I’m just tryna convince myself becaus I struck out digital edition and had to cop physical
what's a few extra hours when your helping the environment.

have yet to hear one good argument for disc going forward
This is really your comeback?

So what about all the extra electricity it takes to run the servers and keep your console on longer?

And we are not taking a few extra hours. Sometimes it is like a like 12 hours plus. Sometimes it can creep into over 24.
Hasn’t happened to steam. you can get hacked playing digital or disc.
Yeah but I'll still have my games if an account gets hacked. I can still safely play games offline if the system isn't safe.

If your account gets hacked contact Sony and besides Games are tied to your account. Can’t lose them if you paid for it. just re download them.
Unless your account gets hacked and you can no longer access it.

I don't have to go through the inconvenience of contacting anyone with physical games.
Yeah but I'll still have my games if an account gets hacked. I can still safely play games offline if the system isn't safe.

Unless your account gets hacked and you can no longer access it.

I don't have to go through the inconvenience of contacting anyone with physical games.

If your account gets hacked?? Don’t matter you still have to contact Sony to get it back no matter what format you play. Digital games aren’t tied to online. Once you download them it’s the same as having a physical copy.
Did people who have digital games during the PSN outage get affected?

Nope. Online was effected but single player games worked

This is really your comeback?

So what about all the extra electricity it takes to run the servers and keep your console on longer?

And we are not taking a few extra hours. Sometimes it is like a like 12 hours plus. Sometimes it can creep into over 24.

Still less waste. And yes it’s a legit argument

I don't need an (hacked) account to play my physical games.

Your right on this.

I’m not trying to arguing with anybody I have a disc drive ps5 and series x pre ordered I’m just legit baffled by the gate keeping when people talk down about digital games like it’s not the same **** as physical in some ways better.
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the reason they give you 1 options to avoid selection paralysis like this. when the world's ready for digital only, it'll be here. as mention, in many parts of this own country, people have to drive to coffee shops to reach streaming internet speeds, and internet isn't cheap. it's really the time to make the internet a utility
I haven’t bought a physical game in forever but I recognize that you can sell one when you’re done. Kijiji, trade in whatever.. even if it’s 15-20$ still you come out with something. I guess no taxes on digital can make up.. I dunno I’m just tryna convince myself becaus I struck out digital edition and had to cop physical
Reminds me, I need to sell all my PS3 games, I have about 30 - 40 and haven't touched them in over 6 years. Also found my DJ Hero in the garage the other week. All together probably setting on 72 bucks.
Your right on this.

I’m not trying to arguing with anybody I’m just legit baffled by the gate keeping when people talk down about digital games like it’s not the same **** as physical in some ways better.
I'm not 100% against digital by any means. I have a dozen or so digital games all copped for under $20 and will buy more. I just cant reconcile going completely digital or paying $60 for them.

While the games I buy stored in the cloud are connected to my account I'd rather prefer if I could have them stored in an external drive

Also I feel the entire reason the market is the way it currently is is cuz physical games are still an option. New physical games come out for $60 and now $70. Rarely go on sale and discounts usually only come years after release. Meanwhile, digitally I see games for PS4 and the Switch go on sale all the time.

If the industry goes fully digital there won't be any more of that. You might as well advocate for streaming games like what Amazon is about to do.
I'm not 100% against digital by any means. I have a dozen or so digital games all copped for under $20 and will buy more. I just cant reconcile going completely digital or paying $60 for them.

While the games I buy stored in the cloud are connected to my account I'd rather prefer if I could have them stored in an external drive

Also I feel the entire reason the market is the way it currently is is cuz physical games are still an option. New physical games come out for $60 and now $70. Rarely go on sale and discounts usually only come years after release. Meanwhile, digitally I see games for PS4 and the Switch go on sale all the time.

If the industry goes fully digital there won't be any more of that. You might as well advocate for streaming games like what Amazon is about to do.

Glad you mentioned digital games being cheaper than physical because I see that get thrown around as a main reason to not go digital when it’s a lie. Same price at launch but much cheaper for older games. And actually I’ve been saying for the longest psNow needs to copy what game pass is doing and add recent releases titles. But Sony is slow on stuff like.
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At the end of the day, I just want a physical catalog. There's been too many times where technology failed me(lost playlists, hard drive failures, losing photos while transferring data across two phones, laptop failures, etc.) Too many variables when it comes to electronics so I'd rather control what I could while I still have the chance.
I heard Brenda's got a PlayStation, but Brenda doesn't have a drive, and in a generation she thinks physical media won't be alive. That's not our problem that everyone internet ain't high speed, and data caps stop the large updates that every game needs. Brenda never knew Kutaragi, or how putting bluray drives in consoles was his hobby. Its kinda sad that Brenda didn't know, how fast her digital collection would grow.
Now Brenda's used storage space is getting bigger, and to play another game she's gonna have to configure, 825, gigabytes is all she had to survive.

Lol, I don't have time to keep going with this but I think you all get the point. Don't be a Brenda.
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