Let it not go unnoticed that Jake Elliott bricked another makable kick

Elliott missed FG +3 points. Miles catches a TD right in his hands on a drive where it became a turnover on downs +7 points. Go for an extra point Instead of 2PC attempt +1. Team was down 2 after that last TD when they could've been up 11. Let's say the Ravens are more aggressive than they were if we were up and score another TD and FG, they'd still be up 1 and punt instead of onside kick and hope the defense holds.
As much as we suck, and boy do we suck, losing close games to teams like the Steelers and Ravens is somewhat impressive. Realistically with the offense Wentz is surrounded with and the lack to healthy O Line guys, most games should look like they did that first half. The second half competitiveness is a nice surprise.
Elliott missed FG +3 points. Miles catches a TD right in his hands on a drive where it became a turnover on downs +7 points. Go for an extra point Instead of 2PC attempt +1. Team was down 2 after that last TD when they could've been up 11. Let's say the Ravens are more aggressive than they were if we were up and score another TD and FG, they'd still be up 1 and punt instead of onside kick and hope the defense holds.

a team like us that has a razor thin margin for error cannot blow plays and coaching decisions like this. We aren’t good enough to overcome them. It’s frustrating to watch and I know there’s guys in that locker room that hate it too. You can’t convince me Carson wants to go for all these meaningless two point conversions early in a game
a team like us that has a razor thin margin for error cannot blow plays and coaching decisions like this. We aren’t good enough to overcome them. It’s frustrating to watch and I know there’s guys in that locker room that hate it too. You can’t convince me Carson wants to go for all these meaningless two point conversions early in a game

Yup. When you're a banged up team, you have to do everything perfectly against a team like the Ravens. Can't start the game with a huge dropped pass that led to a 3 and out instead of being at midfield. Also, poor time management. Doug has 1 TO left and doesn't take it when the team breaks out of the huddle with like 6 seconds on the play clock and have to rush into a broken play. What's the 1 TO doing for you? Even if the ravens run it 3 times with no first down you get the ball back with like 10 seconds left.
Need the Eagles to go full Sixers and abandon analytics lol they probably saying JJAW a tier 1 receiver

need to go full bully ball. Big people beat up little people. Word to big Chip

I don’t want to hear the phrase analytics ever again lol.

common sense >analytics
Hell Madden logic > analytics
IATT IATT fam this you?



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