Heres the thing it wasnt needed. Thats not Lane out there. Cant leave Driscoll out on an island with no help and call long devoloping plays. Situational football. Brian Johndon is learning on the job and Im at least glad him and Siri acknowledged it as a mistake.

Better week 5 then week 15. Get this **** ironed out now.

him and Jobe gonna have a mid off in practice

Quez must be hurt forreal if they dragging Julio's corpse out there. Where does he fit if Devonta and AJ outside?

We need to bring in a safety more than anywhere else imo. Ned Reed clearly can't stay healthy and Edmunds is full on *** cheeks
I'll take Julio for the low. Even if you play dude 10 snaps a game to be a big body on 3rd down, he'll be a great mentor to dudes like AJ and DeVonta to continue to get better
A lot of good all 22 stuff on his page breaking things down


When they showed the first replay of the INT during the game, I turned the game off immediately. He was just staring down the route for 3+ seconds. It blew my mind.
All that pressure won and showed at the end of the game. He started feeling and seeing stuff that wasnt there.

On the last int I dont like that playcall... have something more high % and safe. The pick was the absolute worst thing and the 2nd was an incompletion to stop the clock.

I wouldve had something rolling out if the 1st down is there take it but otherwise dump it off short of the sticks OR take a sack/ slide while in bounds.

Punt the ball Zac wasnt bouta drive 50-65 yards to get in fg range and if he did shake his hand.
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