Unreal. The luck of this team with injuries is something I've never seen before. Guess it's time for Hightower to show what he can offer. Also should run more plays for Miles. Niners dropped 30 with basically no starting caliber WR, no Kittle, all by drawing up screens and getting creative with their RBs
More JJawful smh. I’d rather have Matthews back

play the young guys..

i mean at least we'll either sink or swim.. and can figure out real quick (with some of the teams we got coming up) and could move guys before the deadline if we're still deep in a hole
dont mind 2 of the guys.. but JJAW still getting the amount of snaps he does is more concerning to me

Ward is a short yardage guy. I don't have an issue with him but he's not opening up a defense. Hightower is young so I'll give him a chance but no reason a guy who was drafted late is being relied upon week 3.
I mean the plan was desean and reags

desean is a bad plan because we know he can’t stay healthy

JJAW was always a bad plan just because of how he fit with the TEs.. I could get if we were running mostly 11 and using primarily blocking guys for the TEs.. but we don’t.. and even the stuff he’s supposed to be good at hands/big body he doesn’t do
Still trying figure out why we didn’t put him on short term IR at the least
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