The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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Definitely slow it down. You would have to test it. Trial and errors bro. Run more computers. I know it's not in the mili sec.
U should slow down, don't know how much tho. That's the million dollar question
Make sense. All I was trying before is to make it faster and faster. I never thought about slowing down. That's really a good point.

The current rule is more like, if they think you ordered more than 1 pair and suspect all orders were from the same person/device on an ip they'll cancel all but 1 pair.

In addition, if they think you used a bot on any pairs copped they can and will cancel all the pairs ordered from the same ip.

Although they said its a 1/person limit... It's more likely 1/household rule they implement...

This is what I'm thinking they're doing now. I have never heard anyone getting two pairs manually on limited release like DBs etc..

Honestly, they are probably playing the odds that multiple people in the same household can order a product that so many people strike out on. Maybe your household is successful once but when they look at the order history for the accounts and see them consistently getting through, it raises a huge red flag.

I feel like unless Nike abandon online releases, bots will never disappear.
The cart system, while its functional, definitely plays into the hands of services. Scrap the cart system and people using services will have to provide payment info which will/should reduce the users dramatically for fear of identity theft or unauthorized transactions.
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Nike puts too much time into trying to catch bot orders, canceling real orders in the process.

They need to just take a page out of ticketmaster's book: capcha after add to cart button. All this mess would be solved. Meg can take more vacations.
Nike puts too much time into trying to catch bot orders, canceling real orders in the process.

They need to just take a page out of ticketmaster's book: capcha after add to cart button. All this mess would be solved. Meg can take more vacations.
Then bots will be created to get around the captcha.
Nike puts too much time into trying to catch bot orders, canceling real orders in the process.

They need to just take a page out of ticketmaster's book: capcha after add to cart button. All this mess would be solved. Meg can take more vacations.
There are already bots that do captcha... captcha is easily one of the least effective ways to avoid bots. The OCR bots for RSVPs make captcha look easy.
It would be nice if Nike could devise a way that long time customers, who have always played by the rule, could be prioritized for orders. Sorta how NT does with join dates. NDC sees a join date of 2/2013 and you get pushed to the back of the line! Lol
It would be nice if Nike could devise a way that long time customers, who have always played by the rule, could be prioritized for orders. Sorta how NT does with join dates. NDC sees a join date of 2/2013 and you get pushed to the back of the line! Lol

Niketalk doesn't prioritize join dates and your method would discourage new customers.
Niketalk doesn't prioritize join dates and your method would discourage new customers.
Puhleze! Not formally but if I had a dollar everytime someone posted "looks at join date" I'd buy resale dbv's. And who's to say every longtime member is going after every release? Additionally it would reward buyers for adhering to nikes fairness policy. Just thinking outside of the box in a scenario that would benefit me! LOL
There was a great article I read a couple of months ago about a guy who opened up in an interview and gave all kinds of info on how the Ticketmaster bot system worked (I don't remember if the link was actually posted here or not).

It basically outlined how small "companies" set up shop just to be able to buy and resell tickets. The article further broke it down saying that even before the tickets go on sale, x percentage is sold in advance to official clubs, then others to promotions, etc. So by the time the actual tickets go on sale online a huge portion of it is already spoken for. Then the bots come into play and snatch up the rest of the tickets leaving little to nothing for the person trying to buy 2 tickets for themselves.

I saw huge parallels in how NDC is currently is and possibly how it will be in the future...
I love the time delay in the RSVP process. 

I'm almost certain if you go under a certain time - your twitter gets flagged as a bot.

Then the bot user has to wonder if they need to setup a new account.
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It would be nice if Nike could devise a way that long time customers, who have always played by the rule, could be prioritized for orders. Sorta how NT does with join dates. NDC sees a join date of 2/2013 and you get pushed to the back of the line! Lol

You just sound salty that you missed out on releases.
The best way to get rid of bots (that I can think of) is to use a captcha that requires mental process outside of the computer. So instead of  just having a picture with words circled or distorted letters that can be processed, you require people to random answer questions like:

What is the month that comes before the month that Christmas is celebrated?
In which popular movie did Al Pacino die in blazing glory?

Name two NBA teams that Lebron James has played for?  

(That doesn't solve the problem 100%, but I assume that it will require some high level google search parsing to ensure that the answer provided is correct all of the time)

Another way is to use TLO to forward people to a Java-like trivia game of some sort that you have to play through. And as the last step of the game you get to pick the size of the shoe you want. Also, restrict requests for the shoes to be passed only by the game. Those who strike out get a %discount\$5 giftcard off of their next TLO purchase.

Again, Im not saying any of this is unexploitable, but it makes it a hell of a lot harder than a Twitter API scanner and some simple JS.
Footlocker updated their website so that's something I know a lot of people have said they haven't cared. Not sure how hard the fix is but a little progress from FL but it's a toss up anyway haha
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